hBC Seniors Living Association (BCSLA): We continue to dialogue and liaise with the BCSLA on a regular basis. For the 3rd year in a row, we are planning on partnering with them to co-host the 3rd Annual Minister’s Fall Lunch with the sector.

In March the BCSLA attended the BCCPA Board meeting to share information and seek out opportunities for future partnerships. The BCCPA is planning on sending a delegation to an upcoming BCSLA board meeting.

The BCCPA partnered with the BCSLA to develop and present a new workshop for our members on the topic of Tapping Into Vancouver’s Cultural Communities: Tips on How to Connect & Market Yourself to BC’s Increasingly Influential Ethnic Communities. It was presented by Helen Yu, Choice Communication.

Denominational Health Association: The BCCPA has liaised with the DHA staff and board directors over the last several months on key issues of mutual interest. The DHA and BCCPA will be partnering to co-host the 3rd Annual Minister’s Fall Lunch.

Health Employers Association of BC: There are two BCCPA representatives on the HEABC Affiliates Committee. They include both Aly Devji (Deltaview) and myself. We continue to provide input and meet every two months or so to ensure our member views are brought forward and properly represented.


Canadian College of Health Leaders: The BCCPA continues to forge stronger connections with the CCHL. We have worked with them to seek and obtain approval for MOC credits for our Care to Chat series and become and “education partner” for the 38th Annual Conference.

SafeCare BC: We continue to work closely in support of SafeCare BC’s efforts to reduce and prevent workplace injuries in our sector. As a non-voting member of the Board, I continue to work with Jennifer Lyle and her team to raise awareness and support the development of new training opportunities across BC. Through a support services agreement between our two organizations, BCCPA staff continue to provide day-to-day operational support for SafeCare BC.

Health Authorities & MoH: Over the last several months the BCCPA has regularly liaised with representatives from the Ministry of Health and the Health Authorities. We have sought clarity and/or advocated for changes regarding a number of issues such as:

  • BC Care Aide Registry
  • Funding
  • Chargeable Extras i.e. wheelchairs
  • Fire Safety
  • Burquitlam Care Home Closure
  • Managing Changing Need Policy
  • RFP & RFQS process
  • Retention of Records Policy
  • Site by Site Financial Audit Requirements
  • 2020 commitment to double number of hospice spaces in BC
  • SafeCare BC access to MoH & HA training curriculum

Seniors Advocate: We have met and/or responded to a number of queries from the Office of the Seniors Advocate over the last several months. Most significantly, in relation to the recent release of the OSA’s report regarding residential care homes. Another report is scheduled to come out soon from OSA regarding the topic of housing. The OSA has also indicated that it will be conducting province-wide client surveys. The BCCPA has requested Debra Hauptman, Langley Lodge [and BCCPA Board Director], participate in those consultations on our behalf.

BC Council to Reduce Elder Abuse: The BCCPA continues to be an active participant and contributor on the Council. In March, we were asked to review and make recommendations regarding approximately $0.5M in grants to various agencies. The grants are meant to support the reduction and prevention of elder abuse. 


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