40+ Participants Tune In For SafeCare BC Teleforum

Over 40 participants tuned in for a SafeCare BC teleforum yesterday on bullying & Harassment in the workplace. Read the recap from SafeCare BC below or visit www.safecarebc.ca for the full recording.


40+ Participants Tune In For Bullying & Harassment Teleforum

phone2 SafeCare BC is pleased to have hosted its latest teleforum Workplace Detox: Addressing Bullying in Continuing Care. The hour long teleforum was led by Mary Ellen Sanajko of Conduit Coaching and featured Jennifer Lyle, Executive Director of SafeCare BC, along with a panel of experts:

  • Ruth McKay, Associate Professor, Carleton University
  • Jane Roberts, Learning Works
  • Jae Fratzl, Registered Art Therapist
  • David Durning, Senior Labour Relations Officer – OH&S, Health Sciences Association of BC
  • Stephen Symon, Manager, ILS Health Care and Social Services, WorkSafeBC

telephoneDuring the teleforum, the panelists explored issues surrounding workplace bullying & harassment including defining workplace bullying and harassment, highlighting BC’s legislation, what sort of bullying is seen in continuing care, and how to create respectful workplaces. The panelists also discussed real-life case studies and sector-specific examples. Participants were able to join the discussion by posing questions to the panelists via email.

Jane Roberts of Learning Works kicked off the discussion by addressing the difference between workplace bullying and conflict.


Roberts provided participants with key identifiers they can look for to diagnose bullying and harassment in the workplace. She also explained how certain interactions that may be viewed as “thoughtless” or “uncivil” can indicate a deeper organizational issue that can escalate into bullying or harassment if left unaddressed.

Providing an overview of Bill-14 & and BC’s occupational health and safety regulations was Stephen Symon of WorkSafe BC. Symon also outlined WorkSafe BC’s policy requirements surrounding bullying and harassment, how WorkSafeBC handles mental health claims related to workplace bullying, and shared some statistics on how the legislation changes have impacted claim rates…continue reading at www.safecarebc.ca

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