Dear Members & Stakeholders,
What a year it has been! How else can you describe 2014 when it comes to the renewal taking place at the BCCPA and our dynamic continuing care sector?

I must acknowledge that our success is only made possible through the generous support and ongoing involvement of our service provider and commercial members as well as our sponsors. The BCCPA has become a respected, strong and united voice speaking on behalf of the continuing care sector thanks to your willingness to be part of the solution.
I’m pleased to report that over the last 12 months we welcomed a number of new members into the BCCPA family. Our growing membership base is a good indicator that we are responding to the needs of the sector and plan to build on that success moving forward.
At this time of the year, many of us take the time to reflect back on some of our key accomplishments and milestones. In that regard, we compiled a list of some of the activities we have undertaken on your behalf in 2014 (see below). We have broken them down to indicate how they support one of the five strategic goals approved by the Board of Directors in our 2013-16 Strategic Plan.
Once again, thanks for all of your support and feedback over the last year. On behalf of the entire BCCPA team, I want to wish you all the best of the season and we look forward to working on your behalf once again in 2015.
Daniel Fontaine
PS Please note that even our BCCPA website needs a holiday break every so often. Therefore, unless something urgent breaks, we won’t be posting up any new material until the New Year. The office will remain open and serving our membership with the exception of December 25, 26 and January 1st.
Strengthening Value Proposition for Members
- Developed a new “member-only” section of our website which contains custom-designed content and resources
- Drafted and submitted a Budget 2015 submission to the Ministry of Finance regarding funding pressures facing BC’s continuing care sector
- Developed new policy templates on several topics including the BC Care Aide Registry and Funeral Services
- BC’s Medical Health Officer Dr. Perry Kendall participated in the launch of our 2nd F.L.U.E. campaign
- Maintained a freeze on service provider membership dues for the 5th year in a row
- Custom designed a BCCPA Member Crisis Communications Toolkit
- Drafted four CEO Member Reports with exclusive member focused resources and information
- Launched the 1st Annual BC Care Provider Awards
- Conducted feasibility studies regarding the possible benefits of a new Affinity Program aimed at reducing costs for members related to the purchase of key goods and services
- Conducted several member surveys requesting feedback on a range of BCCPA products and services.
- Exceeded our target of a 90% member renewal rate
- Successfully completed our first season of Care to Chat with over 600 attendees at four separate events
- Introduced new interactive technologies (i.e. Pigeonhole and our Conference App) at events to support and better facilitate member engagement.
- Conducted a new commercial member Q & A session with senior BCCPA staff at the 2014 Annual Conference
- Introduced commercial member representation on the 2014 Annual Conference Committee
- Modernized all of our by-laws and constitution which were endorsed by the membership at the AGM
- Strengthened our member Code of Ethics at the spring Annual General Meeting
- Established a new Emerging Issues and Policy Committee to help support our advocacy work
- Launched new resources for members such as Google Maps and The Insider highlighting key policy developments within the continuing care sector
- Conducted over 50 site visits to residential care homes or home care provider headquarters
- Secured significant new and ongoing sponsorships for all key events including the Annual Conference, Care to Chat and the Minister’s Annual Lunch
- Increased member classified advertisements significantly on BCCPA website as part of recruitment strategies
- Delivered a balanced budget for 2013/14
- Sold out both 37th Annual Conference exhibit hall and delegate packages for first time
- Introduced new online CVENT registration system for all key events including the Annual Conference
- Relocated our office to a more central and convenient Metrotown location which provides for free parking, a new training centre and easy access by SkyTrain and public transit
- Restructured the office and created a new position of Director of Membership Services and Sponsorships, as well as hired a new EA and Board Secretariat and Director of Policy and Research
Safeguard Member Viability and Sustainability
- Held meetings with senior staff and Board of Directors for the BCSLA and DHA to further develop a united front
- Created a platform for the Minister of Health to provide his annual address to the continuing care sector
- Created an ad-hoc Fire Safety Committee and delivered a joint communique with the Ministry of Health announcing Fire Safety Assessment Report for Licensed Residential Care Facilities and Registered Assisted Living Residences
- Advocated for the re-instatement of the Managing Changing Needs policy
- Monitored significant RFQS and RFPs issued by the various Health Authorities
- Met with Ministry and Health Authority officials to begin implementation of key recommendations contained within the Seniors Care for a Change Report
- Met with the Seniors Advocate to brief her regarding Seniors Care for a Change recommendations
- Advocated for a streamlined policy regarding the issue of transporting a deceased person from a care home and developed a new policy template
Effectively Manage our Brand and Reputation
- Submitted and published several opinion pieces in the Vancouver Sun and online on issues such as a national dementia strategy and seniors isolation through the BCCPA website
- Responded on behalf of the sector to the media (TV, Print, Radio and Online) in relation to a number of emerging issues
- Generated two front page stories in the Vancouver Sun during the 2014 Annual Conference
- Wrote a number of member and board profile stories which were published on our website
- Pro-actively developed key media events such as “Concerts in Care at Robson Square”
- Achieved a significant presence and growth of followers on social media i.e. Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook
- Over 40% growth in website traffic and unique visitors compared to 2013
- Over 30% growth in e-newsletter subscribers compared to 2013
- 90 special e-blasts to our membership containing key information regarding breaking news and current events
- Initiated our first-ever “BCCPA Delegation Day” in Victoria which involved the creation of a delegation made up of owner/operators, front-line staff and families of those in care who met with dozens of MLAs and key decision-makers
- Held regular meetings with key Health Authority and Ministry of Health staff
Maintain a Focus on Quality
- Worked to establish a new society called SafeCare BC which focuses solely on preventing injuries in the continuing care sector
- Drafted and released the Seniors Care for a Change red-tape reduction report, which was submitted to the Ministry of Health for consideration
- Developed Care to Chat public forums focusing on issues such as reducing workplace injuries, surveillance technology and it impact on care providers as well as sexuality and intimacy
- Developed and delivered through Coutts Pulver & Medical Pharmacies two new workshops that focused on labour law as well as anti-infection techniques. One workshop was made available to all members province-wide through webinar
- Working with BC Centre for Elder Advocacy and Support, Justice Institute of BC, BC Housing and the Forensic Alliance to coordinate a member-only training workshop in 2015
- Made presentations, been appointed to or represented our members on a number of key committees including the Council to Reduce Elder Abuse (CREA), the HEABC Affiliates Advisory Group and the CD Howe Institute Health Policy Council
- Regularly met with Assistant Deputy Minister at the Ministry of Health to pro-actively exchange information and ideas as well as problem-solve
- Advocated for reforms to the BC Care Aide Registry. Minister announces in October 2014 at Luncheon that government is looking at significant changes to BCCAR and the regulation of care aides in 2015
- Initiated development of a new Recreational Therapy Best Practices Guide
Enhance and Build New Relationships
- Initiated the Annual Minister’s Lunch in 2013 and worked with the Denominational Health Association (DHA), the BC Seniors Living Association (BCSLA) and the BC Non-Profit Housing Association on the 2014 event committee
- Reached out to the Denominational Health Association and sought their assistance to develop new faith-based workshops at the 2015 Annual Conference
- For the first time ever, invited eight key community stakeholders to exhibit at our Annual Conference
- Working with BC Centre for Elder Advocacy and Support, Justice Institute of BC, BC Housing and the Forensic Alliance to coordinate a member-only training workshop in 2015
- Provided Members of the Legislative Assembly with invitations and access to all of our key events held in Vancouver and Victoria
- Worked with Canadian College of Health Leaders (CCHL) to explore partnerships. Resulting in an agreement to jointly host and promote a Care to Chat event featuring keynote speaker Deputy Minister Stephen Brown
- Established a new “Partnership Fund” which allows the BCCPA to better engage with our key stakeholders
- Regularly met with senior leadership representing a number of key partners including the Denominational Health Association, BC Seniors Living Association, Licensed Practical Nurses Association of BC, College of Registered Nurses, BC Alzheimer’s Society, Canadian Medical Association, Independent Contractors and Businesses Association (ICBA) and many others
- CEO for BCCPA appointed as Vice-President for the Canadian Alliance for Long-Term Care (CALTC)
- Successfully hosted the annual meeting for CALTC in Whistler in August where a number of important decisions on the governance and future direction of CALTC were decided
- Partnered with Concerts in Care for a special media event in Vancouver
- Worked and met regularly with the new Seniors Advocate, including developing response to their first report in October