Care To Chat Features Health Authority CFOs

Fiscally Frail Ad draft 1The BC Care Providers Association is pleased to partner with the Canadian College of Health Care Leaders to bring you the next Care to Chat speaker session titled, Fiscally Frail: How Will We Meet The Health Needs Of An Aging Society In An Era Of Limited Budgets?

The highly anticipated event will feature a panel of four Health Authority Chief Financial Officers (CFOs) as well as representatives from the Ministry of Health and the continuing care sector. They will discuss the current challenges of BC’s Residential Care Funding Model, and what both funders and operators are doing to strike a balance between the competing priorities of economic sustainability, and ensuring the well-being and dignity of seniors.

“To have nearly all of BC’s Health Authority CFOs sharing the stage and addressing key financial issues in continuing care is a terrific opportunity for our members,” says Daniel Fontaine, CEO. “ We are also very pleased to be partnering for the first time with the CCHL to put on what will surely be a hot ticket item.”

Print“The Canadian College of Health Leaders’ (CCHL) Mission is: advancing leadership, shaping health systems. Our CCHL BC Lower Mainland Chapter is pleased to partner with BC Care Provider’s Association on this informative event,” says Paul Gallant, Chair, CCHL BC Lower Mainland. “The opportunity to leverage the existing relationships between many of our mutual members, colleagues and friends is an important step forward for our Chapter. CCHL looks forward to collaborating with our new partner, BCCPA, exploring added opportunities to advance leadership, shaping health systems.”

For more information on the upcoming Care to Chat or to register, click here.


Member Rate & MOC 1 Accreditation

We are pleased to extend the membership discount to CCHL members attending this event. Attendees are also eligible to earn MOC1 credit for this event.

CFO Panel

Topic of Discussion:

Fiscally Frail: How Will We Meet The Health Needs Of An Aging Society In An Era Of Limited Budgets?

British Columbia is now in the midst a major “silver” tidal wave. Along with an already rapidly aging population, the home and community care sector is over stretched in terms of resources and funding. BC’s home and community care budget currently exceeds $2.7 billion – an amount that is forecast to increase with an aging population and greater levels of acuity.

Like the rest of Canada, British Columbia faces an aging demographic. By 2038, the proportion of the population aged 65 and over is projected to between 24% and 27%, or almost 5% higher than the national average. Along with an aging population, the level of acuity among patients in residential care has also been increasing, primarily due to increases in chronic conditions and co-morbidities, as well as the more advanced age at which residents are now admitted to facilities. These challenges threaten the economic sustainability of the current residential care funding model in BC… Continue reading.

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