The BC Care Providers Association (BCCPA) has represented private and non-profit community care providers for over 30 years. We have over 130 residential care, home support and assisted living members across B.C. Members represent over one-third of all funded long term care beds in B.C. – caring for over 25,000 seniors annually and creating more than 18,000 direct and indirect jobs across the province.
To represent the interests of our members, the BCCPA is preparing a submission to the Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services for the provincial budget to be released in February 2015. The submission will build off the 2014 budget submission as well as other BCCPA documents such as the Seniors Care for a Change report released in July 2014. As a valued member we welcome any input you are able to provide.
“We are pleased collect input from our members for the 2015 Budget Submission,” says Michael Kary, Director of Policy and Research. “Year after year our members offer insight into the issues and obstacles faced by care providers across the province. With your input, we can continue our tradition of advocacy and working with government to provide service providers with the resources needed to offer the best care available.”
In providing a response please outline the issue(s) you would like to see addressed in any submission along with any supporting information to highlight why this is important. If possible please limit your submissions to approximately 100 words or less per issue and submit your responses by end of day Friday October 3, 2014 to Michael Kary, Director of Policy and Research (michael@bccare.ca). For further information on the budget submission process you can also check the Ministry of Finance website. Please note that submissions will only be accepted from BCCPA members.