How can I get Everything Done? The Meat & Potatoes of Time Management for Seniors Care Leaders

Mary Ellen
Mary Ellen Sanajko- Conduit Coaching

In Seniors Care it seems we create leaders by putting stickers on them. You’ve been a terrific staff person – loyal, worked hard, never caused problems – congratulations. Now go forth and manage!

And [the thinking goes] the promoted person inspires staff, collaborates with colleagues, creates value for residents, residents’ families, the community, and everybody lived happily ever after.

Quite the fairy tale… and that’s what it is.

This magical thinking extracts a cost … from the previously competent individual who now struggles and fails in their new role, to staff working with a micro-managing overwhelmed leader, and of course the residents who live through it all.

Workplace-stressA Seniors Care Leader’s plate isn’t just full – it’s overflowing.


New leaders may believe they have to do everything themselves – it’s just faster than training somebody. Or think a good manager is involved in everything. Unfortunately both strategies leave them feeling stretched thin and running behind … which triggers this self-perpetuating myth that you have to work harder. Oy.

That’s why we’re hosting our next free thought-leadership teleforum *How can I get Everything Done? The Meat & Potatoes of Time Management for Seniors Care Leaders*.

During this 60-minute Silver Group Purchasing/Conduit Coaching teleforum on March 6th @ 11am PT we’ll discuss the points below plus field your specific questions:

  1. 1.       There’s too much to do. Can I really accomplish everything … and have time to sleep?
  2. 2.       Do I have to do everything on my to-do list?
  3. 3.       Help! Everything seems like the #1 priority. What do I do first?
  4. 4.       Now what?

People don’t work for companies, they work for their direct supervisors. Outfit those supervisors with what it takes so staff want to follow their lead. Email to register.

A final tip…

coach_trucker_hatAs a manager to these new leaders don’t perpetuate the myth of leader = problem solver by telling them what to do when they hit the wall. You’ll do them, and yourself, a disservice.

Instead, treat these moments as the great development opportunities they are.

  • Put on your coaching hat and ask some powerful questions … questions that go under the surface of the presenting problem to what’s really going on for the individual.
  • Then… follow the 1 mouth-2 ears rule… and listen.
  • Finally, create accountability for them to put their ideas into practice.

Is this a one-time conversation and – poof! – problem fixed? Probably not. Set aside 15 minutes/week for a coaching conversation. Within a month you’ve coached them for an hour, more than you ever would have with your “telling” ways.

– Written by Mary Ellen Sanajko, Conduit Coaching (commercial member). Mary Ellen writes a regular column exclusively for BCCPA members regarding leadership in Long Term Care and Seniors Care.

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