Home and Community Care Policy Manual Updates

Effective January 1, 2014, the following four changes were made to the Home and Community Care Policy Manual:

Policy 4.C: Choice in Supports for Independent Living (CSIL)

– Canada Income Tax Act – a clarification has been added that CSIL support groups must undertake tax responsibilities as a corporation.

– Criminal Records Review Act – a clarification has been added that CSIL employers are not covered by the Criminal Records Review Act, and they can pursue a criminal record check through their local police department.

Policy 4.G: Palliative Care Benefits Program: Medical Supplies and Equipment
– home oxygen has been added to the list of medical supplies that are not approved through the BC Palliative Care Benefits program.
Policy 7: Client Rates
– the monthly rates have been updated with 2014 amounts.
The Ministry of Health kindly provided copies of Chapter 4 and Chapter 7 that have the changes highlighted in red text.
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