LTC Leaders Deserve a Break.


It’s true.

Working in Long Term Care (LTC) is a balancing act, whether you’re an Administrator, Director of Care, or on the front lines. You’re constantly juggling competing priorities — your meaningful work with seniors, the needs of your own family, friendships, and oh, some self-care when you get a chance to squeeze that in. Yeesh.

How would you like a chance to hit the pause button and come up for air every once in a while?

That’s what this regular column is about – a chance for you to take a breath, reflect on what you’re doing right, and pick up some inspiring ideas to boost and sustain your personal and your team’s performance.


A 300-second Pause

You can easily incorporate short and positive breathers into your work-day that revitalize yourself and your team. How? Through our wonderful journey supporting LTC teams and leaders since 2006, we’ve discovered ideas that deliver the most impact with the least effort to recharge, even supercharge your team.

Remember why you’re here. What you and your team do is critically important. Yet it’s not uncommon for LTC employees to experience burn-out—feeling overworked and underpaid. Sharing stories about what initially inspired you to choose LTC can help renew that early passion for the work.

– Have participants at your next meeting pair up for five minutes to share stories about what initially inspired them to choose a career in LTC… and watch the positivity and collaboration grow.

Celebrate accomplishments. With the go-go-go and ever-evolving complexity of residents’ needs, LTC isn’t exactly conducive to honoring ongoing achievements. But you can change that.

– Invest five minutes at the start of team meetings to acknowledge successes — whether small achievements or major milestones like completing accreditation.

Free Teleforum to Revitalize

Revitalizing your team and employee engagement are a bit like the chicken-egg … it’s not always easy to know which comes first.

Email us ( to receive the recording of last Wednesday’s free Conduit Coaching thought-leadership teleforum Elevating Employee Engagement in Seniors Care to revitalize and engage.

– Written by Mary Ellen Sanajko, Conduit Coaching (commercial member). Mary Ellen writes a regular column exclusively for BCCPA members regarding leadership in Long Term Care and Seniors Care.

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