CEO Job Shadows Care Aide for a Day

long-term-care-3On November 27, CEO Daniel Fontaine will be venturing onto the front-lines to job shadow a continuing care aide at Elim Village for the day. “It is an opportunity for me to experience first-hand the incredible and challenging work continuing care aides do every day,” says Fontaine. “It will also provide insight into areas where care aides are burdened with red-tape keeping them away from residents.” In addition, Fontaine hopes to gain a better perspective into the physical demands of the job and why sector injury rates are remarkably high. “I will be able to take my front-line exposure and share it with key decision-makers, allowing for active response,” says Fontaine.

The job shadow will take place on Wednesday, November 27. Be sure to check back in early December for a follow-up of Fontaine’s experience!

For more information about Elim Village click here.

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