September CEO Member Report Published

It’s been a busy few months at the BCCPA! That’s perhaps why the CEO Member Report for September is packed with 12 pages of information.

A few of the featured stories include:CEOReportImage1

  • Care to Chat Speaker Series with Minister Suzanne Anton
  • Minister Terry Lake Lunch
  • SafeCare BC
  • Welcome to New Members
  • Chargeable Extras Survey
  • BC Care Aide Registry
  • 2014 Budget Submission to BC Government
  • BC’s Core Review – BCCPA submission
  • And lots…lots more

If you are a member and want to read a password-protected copy, please click here. We also extend a big thanks to Westland Insurance and Rexall Specialty Pharmacy for supporting this publication through their advertisements. The next CEO Member Report will be published in November.


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