BCCPA’s Social Media Strategy Proves Popular

On May 7th, the BCCPA launched a redesigned website and significantly expanded our reach through social media. In the last two months, we have been actively engaging residents, family members, academics, MLAs, media and a range of other organizations and individuals online.Here is a quick snapshot of our social media and website activity over the last couple of months. Quite impressive!socialmedia

  • 58 new posts have been written for our website on a wide range of topics.
  • 50+ posts on our Facebook page
  • We’ve had over 11,000 page views, 4,700+ unique visitors (3,600+ first time visitors and 1,100 returning visitors)
  • Our BC Care Providers LinkedIn group was established in May and we already have 67 new members who are engaged.
  • Over 150 separate tweets have been sent out on a variety of topics since May 1st from our @BCCareProviders account
  • Since launching our new YouTube channel in May, we’ve had over 750 unique views of the videos we’ve developed.
  • Almost 100 people have already signed up for our new e-bulletin that is delivered directly to your inbox each morning at 7 am – for free! It only takes a minute to register on our home page.

As you can see, we’re using social media and online communication sources to better engage with you – our readers. If you aren’t already following us via one of our social media channels, consider doing so today!


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