#TellThemYouCare Messages – April 27

Hello to who ever is reading this I just like to say that there are people that care about you and want to help you.

Hope you all are safe and healthy. May your days be filled with happiness and positive thinking. Stay strong, we will all get through this together. – Gursiya, Surrey

Stay safe, we love you – Capri, Maple Ridge

Good morning everyone how are you guys in home. I know you all guys are worrying about corona virus. Please don’t worry to much we all are with you. I know you all will be fine in your own home. Please don’t feel stress and eat healthy food and do some exercise. Please take care of you and take care of your child. OK Bye Have a nice day – Mahak, Surrey

Dear senior friend,

The only way we can stop is if we are safe. Here are some steps to staying safe and away from the virus. Wash your hands, try not to go out to a store very often, sanitize your hands when coming back from a store, wear gloves, masks when heading out, and keep a safe distance from everyone. We all can do it so please stay home and stay safe. We all love you and you take care of us, so stay home please stay safe.

Dear Senior Friend, I am here to tell you that you are loved and, cared about. Anywhere you are just remember that you are not alone in this pandemic. They’re people who think about you every day and, care for you and your health. Just stay strong the pandemic won’t last forever. As the saying goes “what comes up must come down.

Dear senior friends, I cant imagine what its like not going outside and just staying inside.
Another thing is that you cant see your relatives in these tough times. So I hope you all the best.

Thank you for all of the hard you’re doing. Your work is very appreciative and it is our duty to cheer you up so you get positivity and feel cared for. Thank you once again and keep working as you are now.

Hope your staying strong and healthy during isolation! Here’s a message for you!

We are sending you happy thoughts for better days ahead. You are not alone our thoughts will keep you company. – Jacqueline, Roberts Creek

Our thoughts are with you sending love and faith for strength. Stay strong we are all in this together.  -Lauren-Grace, Roberts Creek

Dear Senior Friend
Being in isolation might be hard for you, so I thought I could write a message that could put a smile on your face. I hope that you are doing well, and I hope you are staying strong. Here is a quote written by an unknown author. “Though all seems lost, the only thing that they cannot destroy is Hope. It doesn’t matter how many of us Fall. As long as even one of us is willing to Fight. We will survive this. Never doubt and never Forget. And we can do it together.” This quote can encourage us to continue fighting during the pandemic and that no matter how many people have passed away from COVID-19 (coronavirus) we can still get through this together.

We all support you!

Positive thoughts coming your way from our family today! These crazy times won’t last forever so be sure to reach out to your family and friends regularly! Know that you are loved!  Take care of yourself and stay positive! 💜🌞🌻

I hope you’re doing well and don’t worry, we have your backs. Even though there’s been quarantine for Canada we can still stay safe with the corona. I for one l❤️Ve seniors and I want you to all stay safe during the pandemic. I hope you stay safe and sound! -Patricia.

We are all thinking about you and remember you’re not alone, we are in this together!

Dear senior friend,
Even though I haven’t met you personally, these words I’ve typed may help you cheer up during this isolation. If you may not have many people in your life currently, just know that you have my support and many other kids support somewhere in the world. Just know that there is so many people that would love to hours with you and share stories. It can be hard to spend time with your family such as your daughter, son or grandchildren but I hope you stay positive and keep your head up during the rest of your quarantine.

Hi friends! I hope you are doing okay. I have made some pictures and writing for you!

My name is Kezia.  I drew this picture of spring for you. I hope you enjoy my picture of rainbow, flower, bunny, and bird. My great grandma is going to be 99 years old this august. How old are you ?  I am 5 years old.

Dear Senior Friend,
Hello there! I have come to help cheer you up, in anyway I can. I understand that isolation can be tough, not being able to see your loved ones and not being able to go out, all of that is very tough. I am very glad that you have been fighting through this, even though some days are harder than others. Just trust me things will start to get easier I promise. Keep fighting and smiling, smiling is one of the best medicines and it is very contagious. I’m also 100% sure that your smile makes everyone around you happy. I also bet your family misses it. So please keep fighting and smiling! (Make sure to smile everyday)

I hope you are doing well.
You are always loved.

Hello! This weekend I celebrated my 26th Birthday! Oh how different the times are to be celebrating a Birthday in! My friends made me the most lovely video, 15 of my closest girlfriends submitted a virtual greeting and it was compiled with memories and sweet words.

Hi there! During this time I’ve been enjoying exploring my creativity. I am a hairstylist, so of course I have been unable to work. In the mean time I’ve been lovely working with different paint mediums to create art work! Check it out! – Daneka

This is a hard time for everyone, but especially for seniors like you. I ask you to stay strong throughout this global pandemic, as you are the most vulnerable. Hope you are doing well and can live to your fullest after all this is over. You can still be super happy inside. A tip is watching a movie you like, which will help you get your mind off of all that is going on, and that will improve your mood so you can be happy. We all dearly care for your health and hope you will be safe, which will be a relief for all of us. Be safe and have a great time even though all of this is going on, because we shouldn’t let something that we can prevent get us down, and neither should you. – Japjot, Surrey

Hello!I hope you are well in this hard time. I’m just a 10 year old girl looking to make someones day even the slightest amount better. You are loved and respected by many some more then others. You are loved and cared about! – Elsie, Chilliwack

Hello senior I hope you are doing well during this pandemic. I hope you are doing well and isolating yourself from the world. I was wondering what are some of your hobbies. Some of my hobbies are Playing video games. Also I like to watch tv what are your hobbies.

Dear senior friend ,
Even though I haven’t met you personally,  these words I’ve typed may help you cheer up during this isolation. If you may not have many people in your life currently, just know that you have my support and many other kids support somewhere in the world. I want you to know that there are many people that would love to spend time with you and be around you. It can be hard not to spend time with your family such as your daughter, son or grandchildren but I know they love and miss your personality, smile, laughter even everything about you. I hope you have an amazing rest of your quarantine and don’t forget to stay positive, keep smiling and think about all the wonderful memories you had with your family. Hope you stay safe and healthy.

Dear senior friend, it is me your fellow in isolation, but you can call me Anonymous Tiger, you might think that you’re alone but never fear, the internet is here. With it, you can join me and others in isolation. I just hope you’re having a great day, if not never fear, the internet is here.  There are a bunch of things on the internet that can make your day, some of my favorite things are: YouTube where you can watch videos, YouTube music where you can listen to music, Audible where you can listen to audio books and last but not least memes they are sure to make you laugh. All I wanted to say was you’re not fighting alone, we’re here whenever you need us, we’re with you every step of the way. If you can please write back. it was a lot of fun writing this message to you. I hope you enjoyed what I had to say and write until next time.

By yours truly

—-Anonymous Tiger

I hope you guys are staying safe and healthy during this pandemic.

A hug is just a hug until you find the one you’re thinking of. A dream is just a dream until you make it come true. Love is just a word until it is proved to you. Our relationship brings new meaning to the word “love.” I love you just wanted you to know❤️.

We care for you – Evan, Surrey

We love and care for you – Joel, Surrey

I am thinking of you today. Wanted to share some good news. There are many teens missing their proms. Just watched a tv star, John Krasinski, advertise that he was holding a prom online. He blew up balloons, had spangly gold streamers, glow sticks. He dressed in a tux. There were 3 popular music stars that teens would have been thrilled to hear — singing their famous songs. I saw many videos of teens in their prom dresses and suits dancing with dads, and brothers, and mothers and sisters, and one dancing with her large dog.
We will make it through this difficult time with good humour and good friends. With good deeds all around. Sending lots of love. – Sidney, Victoria

Hi, I trust you folks remain protected and solid. I realize that it tends to be extremely hard not getting the opportunity to see your family however remember that you are not the only one and everything will be typical very soon

Hi, I know that these times may be challanging but things will soon get better! Make sure to stay healthy and well! – Rhea, Surrey

Just a brief note to say hello and let you know we are all thinking of you. Thank you for all you have done teaching us, leading us, caring for us and inspiring us.  Please accept this brief note as a virtual hug to let you know how much you are loved and appreciate.
Take care and be well.
Gina xo

Dear senior friend, I hope your doing well… I know things are tough right now because you can’t see your family, but I’m here for you to cheer you up! I made a picture for you. Hope you like it! – Diya, Surrey

We are all in this together, stay safe.

It’ll be okay hopefully this will all pass and we can all interact with each other soon it may be hard right now but that’s just life; life is hard but when life gets hard after it life becomes great just keep holding through and stay strong during these times. – Aidan, Surrey

Dear Senior Friend(s),
Please know you are all in our prayers as we fight this serious pandemic. I hope you are doing well, as we know these times are hard on seniors. Remember if you are stressed try doing some calm activities such as working on a puzzle. Remember to social distance yourselves and take care, we wouldn’t want any risks during this time, soon this will be over just stay patient and think positive thoughts. Hope you all are staying strong and healthy.
Sincerely, A.R, age 11

Hey, I know it’s hard but I’m sure you will be all good – trust in that you’re gonna be all good.

I just want to let you guys know that you should not worry about anything and remember to always have a positive mindset. Just know we love you guys.

Dear Senior Friend, I hope all of you are doing well and please continue to stay fit, strong, happy, and free. This might be a challenging time right now, but know that we’re all going to get through this. Try staying home most of the time, but also remember to go out and get some fresh air. Often, try to call your loved ones and check how their doing, and for them they will check how you’re doing too. I hope you had a great day today and I hope that every other day is also a great day for you too. I support you and believe that you will make it past these difficult times. Stay safe and healthy because this will be over soon. Take care! – Z.H, Surrey

Hello there seniors how are you doing hope you are doing alright and staying healthy. We can get through this and it is rough I understand but we can do this. Stay home stay safe

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