#TellThemYouCare Messages – April 18

Sending you love, hugs and smiles ❤ — Snezana Ristovski, Burnaby

You may feel very alone inside your care home or inside your own home. Please know that there are many of us understanding how hard this is for you. though we may not know your name personally…we see and feel you. You are in my thoughts and prayers every single day..Sending you love..this will pass — Judy, Campbell River

Having had a father in care, I can only imagine how challenging this moment is for you and your family. Please know that you are in my thoughts, you are valued, and you are truly deserving of great love and care – today and every day! — Sue Porter, Vancouver

Thank you for allowing me to send you a message. I just wanted to let you know that there are people out here that really do care and love you. You have struggled through hard times before and this is just for today not forever. My wish for you is love, kindness, and good health. In the near future you will have those needed hugs. Keep your chin up and that wonderful smile on your face until you can see that special someone again to make it bigger and brighter. Lots of Virtual Hugs — Chandra, Kamloops

Good day to you. Want you to know how much you are valued. You helped to create Canada and it became a wonderful place to live because of your efforts. Your knowledge and wisdom is important to us as a people. Please stay well and remember you are loved and appreciated and missed during these days. — Victoria Sawanas, Campbell River


May you know how much you mean to each & everyone out here. You are the keepers of our history, the tellers of stories, the ones we look to when we are hurting & are in need of support in troubled times.  You are the loved ‘grandparents’ of your communities; related to all by your care. It hurts so much to know that you are physically separated from your loved ones at this time, but please know, this virus cannot destroy LOVE. Your community loves & cares for you.  Stay well.  Stay strong.  Thank you for always being there for us. I always think of Vera Lynn’s song…”We’ll meet again, don’t know where, don’t know when..but, I know we’ll meet again some sunny day”. And, it will be a sunny day when you meet your loved ones again! HUGS!!!

Thank-you to the seniors who have given us so much love during our lives. You are not alone, your stories and lessons are with us and our thoughts and healing energy is with you during this very trying time. Thank-you also to the caregivers who are there for our loved ones when we cannot be ❤️ — Shannon, Kaleden

I just wanted to say hello and tell anyone that needs it that they are loved. We are all working together out here to stay home, flatten the curve and get things back to safety as soon as possible. I work in the schools and I’ll leave you with one of my favorite jokes that the kids always like:
What do you call a cow with no legs? Ground beef! — Sara, Cumberland

Thank you for blazing the trail for the rest of us. Please stay healthy and be there for us. We need your wisdom, we need you in our lives. May God bless you and keep you safe. ❤️ — Donna, Kamloops

This too shall pass…💙

I have a funny story to share with you this morning. We were outside weeding our bank yesterday afternoon. While cleaning out a planter of daisies, I found something down on the dirt, under the leaves. Thinking it was the top of a mushroom,  I took it out. Guess what it was! A piece of a cheeseburger!  A crow hid it there. Hope this makes you laugh. We sure did. Sending hugs.😊💖 — Judy Harris, Nanaimo

Hello fellow BC senior. During this time when all seniors have to stay home, I wanted to contact others to tell them that I know how difficult it can be to be cut off from family and friends. As I think of all the care facilities, my heart aches for those who are struggling with loneliness. I care that you are so isolated. One thing I can do is pray for you and I am doing that. May you sense that you are not forgotten and that as Canadians watch the news they remember your situation and that God sees you. May you be encouraged today and may you find the small joys in your hours this day.
Blessings across the miles — Jean, Surrey

Three weeks ago, I received the opportunity to drive small hot meals to Comox/Courtenay seniors that are shut ins & unable to shop. During deliveries I often see them smiling as they thank me from a short distance. As a senior myself I’m very thankful that we have Island societies helping many elderly individuals with this great service. — Gilles A. St Denis, Comox

Today is a new day….one that brings us hope as we wait for a better tomorrow that we know will come! I am thinking of you right now and hoping that you can see my smile and feel my hand in yours! Although we’re not really together physically, our hearts can be together. I’m sending you a heart hug together with sunshine and flowers and fresh air and puppies. All the simple things that make a day wonderful! Hold on, knowing that you are valued and cared for. We’ll make it through together! — Debbie, West Kelowna

We are thinking of you, we pray for this unusual time to end, but we also pray that you stay safe and protected.  Your safety is a priority! We owe you much, part of it is to keep you safe, but also not lonely! You are in our prayers and hearts! — Rola Doudin, Victoria

Dear Seniors, Please know that you are loved and that many people are thinking about you and your wellbeing in these difficult and strange times. I hope you read this knowing that. I hope you are keeping busy with activities that you enjoy and know that when this is all done that you will be able to enjoy the things you missed that you may not currently be able to do. We are sending you lots of love! ♥️♥️ — Olivia, North Vancouver

Sending love and prayers to you all during this time. I know how important it is to be able to visit our parents and grandparents who may live in care homes etc as I spent every day I could with my mom while she lived in an assisted living home and I couldn’t imagine not being able to see her. I hope your days right now have smiles and laughter and you are staying happy and positive and having some laughter. Please know we love you all and we are thinking about your ❤️❤️🙏🏽🙏🏽 — Caren La Fontaine, Langley

Hello there 🙂 My name is Eleanor and I live in Vancouver. It’s so lovely to meet you, even though we can’t be introduced in person right now. I moved to Canada from England three years ago and I think of my grandparents every day. I love them so very much. England has been in lockdown for the same length of time as Canada. Like Canada, England’s strength comes from its people – and their ability to show love, kindness and friendship in times of crisis. It feels so frustrating to be stuck inside, doesn’t it. But we are strong, and resilient and very much loved. I hope this letter makes you smile. Know that it is written while smiling – and this way, we can continue to smile together every time you re-read this 🙂 I have attached a photograph I took from Vancouver’s 3rd beach as it’s near to where I live. The sunsets in this country are so very beautiful and this photo makes me feel grateful for living in this wonderful city. To pass the time during lockdown, my fiancé and I have been doing lots of puzzles. We got a brilliant one from the Vancouver Art Gallery. On our last daily run we counted 6 herons and one beaver – all taking advantage of the quieter streets! This letter comes with so much love and well wishes. Know that I am thinking of you, and that this time will pass. I will end on a joke and a line from my favourite poet, Philip Larkin: What do you call a dog that can do magic? A labracadabrador. “What will survive of us is love” Wishing you happiness and health. With love from your new friend — Eleanor, Vancouver

Dearest Seniors! We’re sending you a note with a lot of smiles 😁😎🥰😊😇😀😊 and wishing you good health. Take care and stay strong. From Ev & Tom.

Greetings my lovely senior friends. I am a volunteer for the Priory. I love you all so much and miss you terribly. You are beautiful and bring me much joy when I’m with you. Hope to see you soon. God loves you and so do I. — Arlene Holland, Victoria

Dear friend, I hope this letter finds you well, and enjoying the sunshine we’ve had of late. There is nothing quite as lovely as sun pouring into a room, filling it with warmth and light and good memories of days gone by. What do you think of these unusual times? To me it feels as though in a time when we all must stay apart, we seem to be coming closer together, in different and meaningful ways. This time might be remembered down the road as the period when we all learned how to live as a community again, putting aside selfish goals and instead looking for a way to connect. I think of that when out for a bicycle ride along empty streets. Passing people out for a walk, I find many a ready smile and cheerful hello. That seems a good sign of better days ahead. So here’s to a bright future with more kindness and cheer, more connection, and a united sense of purpose as we seek new ways to come together. And your guidance, your experience learned from the hardships of yesteryear, that is invaluable to younger generations. Please write it down, record it, or just talk to someone about your experience, your story. We need you now more than ever. P.S. I have included a sketch. My husband says all the animals I draw look like dogs, so I chose one that really is meant to be a dog, ha ha. — Jo Slade, Sidney

This is my picture to show you what it’s like outside right now. I hope soon you can get outside for walks with your friends and families. — Angus (7), Oliver

I am pretending the coronavirus is a long rainy day where we have to stay inside, but soon it will be sunny and we can go outside and play and see the beautiful flowers again. — Annabel (4), Oliver

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