#TellThemYouCare Messages – April 17

Hi seniors, I hope you all know that you are not alone and that people are thinking about you each day. I might not know you, but I still think of you because I love seniors. Seeing them smile just warms up my heart. I want you to know I’m praying and cheering for you. —  Janelle, Vancouver

We may not know each other but I wanted you to know that I think about you all everyday. I lost my mother last year and this pandemic really brings that into focus with so many vulnerable people. Just know that we will do what it takes to bring us back to a place of health and happiness. Much love to you all! — Rick “Poppa Dawg” Halisheff

Sending lots of love during this difficult time. I’m thinking of you and want you to know you are not alone. Stay strong. Stay safe. Stay positive. — Raheesa Jina, Vancouver

You have managed to survive through many crisis in your life-time – I know you have the strength and ability to see this one through too!  Please share your stories of strength, coping, perseverance and survival to the younger generation, who need to hear how resilient ‘we’ can be.  Thank you for showing us that together we can come through this stronger and smarter than we were. — Vickie, Victoria.

Sending love to all seniors at this difficult time. We hope to visit soon! — Kathleen, Coquitlam


I hope you are keeping your head up high during these hard times where hope seems so far. I hope you are allowed visitors soon and that you can be reunited with your family once again. My son Jackson misses his great grandparents right now and wanted to make anyone that needs a smile – smile. You are loved, stay safe! — Sydney Davidson, Langley.

As a Senior that lives alone, I find my strength knowing this crisis will stop.  I gain my strength knowing my family are ok, two of which are Nurses, three are Grandchildren. We stay in touch electronically.  Always know you are loved by many, use this to comfort you. Stay healthy, sending love! ❤️ — Mary Lou, Kelowna

You are not alone! Stay strong, we will all get through this together. — Danielle, Parksville

Sending sunny thoughts and lots of love! — Stephanie Larsen, Kelowna.

Stay safe and stay healthy. We’ll all soon be able to resume our normal activities. With Spring comes renewal and hope. Until you can safely go out again, here’s a wee flower to cheer you up. 🌻 — Leslie, Kelowna

❤️ ❤️ ❤️ Please remember you are loved and even if you can’t see your family or if you don’t have family know that the higher above loves you and not be afraid. Things will get better and always stay positive even when it’s hard. We can do this 👼 — SP, Vancouver

Greetings from the sunny Okanagan :) Today, my wish is that you feel loved and cared for. This is an uncertain time for all of us, and being away from our loved ones and our regular schedule can be difficult. There are so many great things to focus on instead of the sad/scary stuff. I like to read the good news network website in the morning to start my day off on a positive note and it is always so great! Another thing I like to do with my daughters is do our hair and makeup for no reason. It brightens our mood and puts a smile on our face! My son likes to take relaxing baths (still at 13!) and they definitely change his mood. I hope you have something you can do for yourself that lifts you up.
All our love and happiness is headed your way! Take care. — Tawny, West Kelowna

Thank you for all that you have done for us as the younger generation. Your example in living through difficult times is sterling. You have paved the way through perilous times, so that we can learn from you. May we follow your example.  Never feel that you are no longer of any value. Our creator’s words reminded me of your worth. Proverbs 20 : 29 “The glory of young men is their strength, the splendor of old men is their grey hair.” — Your friend Ken

I am sending lots of love to you. You are loved! — Holli Broomfield, Kelowna

Sending warm thoughts to all Seniors, especially those in isolation, please know you are in our hearts and prayers even while alone. We’re all thinking of you, and sending wishes for better days ahead.

Our dear Seniors, Stay strong and healthy. We love you and care for your wellbeing. We did not and will not forget you. — Lucian Ciocoiu, Kelowna

We are staying in for you. We love you all. My 15 year old son Nate and I ❤️❤️ — Sherry, West Kelowna

Please know that you are loved even though it is from afar right now.  You are always in our thoughts.  Be strong and we will be together soon. — Lindsey, Kelowna

Sending you love and hugs. Please know that your families are thinking of you and hoping that they will be able to visit soon. — Dee and Bryton Jack, Vernon

I want you to know I think of you every day. I wish I could visit. I know you are seeing all your care aides in masks like they’ve robbed a bank….hahahah….trust me they haven’t. You are all in very good hands and you will have visits again soon. Stay well … be kind…and be patient. ❤️❤️❤️ — Lisa King, Penticton

Hi lovely people! I hope you are well and safe, despite the separation from everyone right now. I work in a care home so I know how much you love socializing with everyone and I’m sorry you no longer have that opportunity. Stay strong and hopefully everything is back to normal soon! —  Mya Powell, Kelowna

You have shaped the wonderful world that I enjoy today and want to make sure you know how appreciative the world is for your contribution. Communication is important now more than ever and would love to learn more about the lives seniors in B.C. — Kayla Wright, Ladysmith

We would like to let you all know, you are an important part of our lives and nobody can take your place! Your husband, your children, your grandchildren, your great grandchildren, your friends, your neighbors, and even your pets, miss you and can’t wait to see you again! Give yourself a great big hug from us! Even though we can!t be with you, you are forever in our hearts and we love you more than you will ever know. ❤️ — Fern Fulton, Richmond

We are thinking of you and holding you close in our prayers. I used to visit my Mom every day and now can only see her through FaceTime. When I see her and send her love, I want you to know I am sending love to all of you. We can’t wait to come and see you all again. We miss you. You are special and so very brave! — Sydney, Vancouver

I hope you are doing well. I’m pretty sure it’s very difficult to be so isolated. In a way, I am glad because you are safe. That is the most important part! We are all in this together. Even though it may feel lonely, please remember there are a bunch of people who don’t know you that care a lot. — Shelese, Kamloops

Stay safe and know you are not alone in this fight!  Our thoughts and prayers are with you always! — Brenda, Kelowna

Hello, I wanted to let you know that I wish each and every person, feeling alone or lonely, the most love possible. I was just speaking with my 80 year old mother and my heart is broken right now as she is in the hospital (not covid) and feeling so lonely. To hear her voice is heartbreaking that she can’t have visitors & is going through some serious issues alone. I feel for anyone experiencing this and wanted to let everyone affected by this isolation know that my thoughts are with you. Stay strong, stay safe and we can all be together again soon! I know I can’t wait to hold my mom again, but for now, I hope my words (to you and her) give strength and comfort. — Jim, Kelowna

Hello! I hope you are having a good day. Hang in there this will be over soon and then we can all come and visit. Lots of Love xoxo

You are special members of our community family and are our inspiration. Thank you for all that you have done, and continue to do, for our world. Stay safe, stay connected, and keep smiling! — Comfort Keepers, Vancouver

We are all thinking about you!  Please stay healthy and safe!  This situation will be over, soon enough!  Then, it will be the summer and nice, warm weather, again! :D — Jeff, New Westminster

Much love and tons of blessings for all of you. ❤️ — Ghonu, Surrey

Hello, Dear Senior. I hope this finds you well, and hanging in there. Remember that old saying – “if you’re at the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on!” Well, it’s more true now than ever! I can only imagine how hard it is for you to be isolated from your family and friends for such a long time, and under such difficult circumstances. Please know that I and so many other members of the public are thinking of you daily, and wishing you the good humour and strength of will to get through this.  And we WILL get through this, all of us together. I hope you have lots of happy memories to sustain you during this rather boring time…not to mention some good books, TV shows and movies! Please stay well, and focus on looking forward to the day when you can once again visit with your loved ones in person! In the meantime, please think of this as a virtual hug, from me to you. With love and caring thoughts — Barb Zeller, Burnaby

Stay safe & healthy! Your family will always truest love you whether they are physically with you or not. I’m sending you all my love from Kamloops BC. ❤️❤️ — Brook, Kamloops

I hope you are all safe and healthy in this time of isolation. We all hope you’re finding ways to stay active and entertained. I made beef jerky with my daughter and have started a garden. Reading more. If you have access to YouTube I have been watching the lion Whisperer Kevin Richardson. Very nice watching the care he puts into these big cats. Stay safe happy and healthy as this will get better soon and your loved ones will be back to visit. — Nora, West Kelowna

I care. I am a Senior as well and I put my effort into what I have as opposed to what I am missing. — Rosemary J Fromson, Abbotsford

Hang in there, your family misses you dearly and cant wait to see you! Stay strong and stay safe!
Xo — Rachelle, Surrey

Hello, hope you are doing well in these unusual times. I am busy staying at home with my two daughters. Life sure has slowed down a lot. We are cooking together more, there’s no school and no one rushing around. I hope to be grateful for this time one day and my children might look back fondly on some of the memories we are making. Thinking of you today and all our elders around BC. Spring is here and hopefully brighter days ahead for us all. Best wishes — Suzy, Kamloops

I just need you to know I am thinking about you and that I care. I know these days are long but the good news is that spring is here and you will be able to go outside and breath in some fresh air and smell the flowers and feel the warm sun on your face and you sit on a little bench. Remember you are Loved🌷❤️🌷❤️🌷❤️🌷 — Kim Williams, Kelowna

Hi there, I hope you’re staying positive in this confusing time. As have most, I’ve been staying home lots, though we happen to have some guests; my cat had five newborn kittens not even four weeks ago! Perfect timing I’d say. I hope that we can find some nice families who could benefit from having a little baby kitten. I hope you’re doing well. Try not to stress about this the best you can, maybe take a minute to think about the people you’ll see when this gets better. I know I’m going go hug my best friend as soon as I can. Take this time now to focus on how many good people are in your life. Hope all is well. Have a night day ❤️

Hello to my favourite new grandparent! I hope this message finds you well & you are comfortable & cozy with plenty of your favourite meals & past times. I miss the knowledge of my elders so anytime you’d like to share a story I’m all ears. Take care and know you are loved. — Morgan Ray, Vancouver

Hopefully a picture attachment is included- I also am a senior with only some computer smarts:) It’s a tough time but we can still enjoy the sky, be it blue or cloudy and the gardens growing- the one time one looks forward to watching the grass grow. Hugs to You All!

To all the Seniors in BC: You are brave, you are strong, you are loved, you are appreciated! Stay healthy and happy. Together we will get through this!

We love you all. Take very good care of yourselves as your lives are very precious to us. Thinking of you. — Glenda Cosgrove, Abbotsford

If I could have just one wish
I’d stand you in my place
Then you’d know how much I miss you
You’ll never be replaced
‘Cause you matter to me and that’s why (and that’s why)
You still matter to me
And that’s the only reason I need to get by
You still matter to me, yes you do

I know this is a difficult time and we are all isolating. just know you are thought of daily and missed. You have survived many things and will get through this. We may be apart but stand together. Stay strong and be safe. — Donna, Kelowna

Thinking of you. Stay safe. — Deb, Kamloops

I know it’s hard not to get swept up by the fear and anxiety of uncertain times. Wherever you are right now perhaps try to anchor yourself in the moment by noticing the things or people that you value. When we are anchored we can feel stronger and more in control. Wherever you are, know that we are all in this together.

Be strong many love and think of you. Special you are. God is here too watching over. I care so much about your happiness. — Linda

Each day I stay home is worth saving you! You are cherished even while we can’t be face to face. 💞 Keep doing your best to take care and breathe easy! We miss you and pray you are well! See you soon! — Leslie, Vancouver Island

My grandmother had an Irish background so I have always like things Irish. One of my favorite Irish things is this old Irish blessing:
May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
and rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His Hand.
Stay well and big virtual hugs to you all.
— Dave Umbach, Burnaby

Thank you for being YOU!!!  Your stories, history, perspective on life, sense of humour….you are cherished and appreciated and valued.  None of us could be who we are without you. You are SOOOO loved and I am sending invisible hugs to you!!!!!!!!!! — Elizabeth, Chemainus

You have survived so many things: wars, great depressions, polio to name a few. You will get through this too. Stay strong, we are thinking of you all. I found a quote I am trying to live by, it says, “Forget the days troubles. Remember the days blessings.” Take care all of you. — Shelley, Surrey

Stay Strong ❤ Be Safe ❤ — DH, Salmon Arm

Greetings from Kirkland WA! I wish I’d had grandparents growing up but sadly they passed away when I was young and I’d love to have you as my grandparent. Always know that you are not alone and someone does care. Wishing you a wonderful day today, tomorrow and forever on. Love from
Megan xoxo

Hello. I know you are a very strong person. I know because you have already survived many difficult times in your life. I want to thank you for all the contributions you have made in your life and that you will continue to make as long as you live. I want to remind you that you are loved and cared about by many people, even people like me who have never met you. We are all thinking about you each day and wishing you the courage and strength to make it through the challenging days ahead. You are special, you are strong and you are cared about more than you know. Look forward to brighter times ahead they are on the way! Stay safe. Stay well. — Diane, Sechelt

Know that so many of us are thinking of you and rooting for you even if we don’t know your name. Your decades of building and supporting  your community and country is deeply appreciated. Hope to see you all out and about soon. 😘

My dear precious ones,, know that you are in our hearts ❤️during these challenging times and that you are dearly loved. We pray you stay safe, strong and healthy during this isolation period. In your time of isolation we have isolated you in our loving hearts. Bless all of you.🌞🌈 — Lily and family, Penticton

Be strong, be brave! There are many who care for you. — Karen Gunn, Kamloops

Hello, while we don’t know each other I do think of you. I think of you as someone like my grandma, who might be home alone without family nearby. Maybe you do have family but because of the pandemic you are not able to see them. I’d like you to know that there are people that are praying for you. Praying for your health and wellness, mentally and physically. I hope that you’re getting the care and groceries that you need. I’d like you to know that you are loved and cherished and valued. Stay strong. — Colleen, Kelowna

I am almost 70 myself, but wanted to contribute as well. I know it is tough not seeing children and grandchildren, but we want them to be safe, and at the same time protect ourselves. I was thinking of starting a journal. How I feel but mostly telling my grandchildren about life in the “old days.” lol Stories about my parents and grandparents. Kids love this stuff and it will become a family heirloom. Love to you all and thinking kind thoughts xo — Laurie Zboyovsky, Duncan

Hello dear friend! I know you may be feeling a little blue, but just to know we’re thinking of you. We can’t give you a real hug, but hopefully a virtual one will make you smile. This crazy time will only last for awhile. — Anya, Victoria

Thank you for all you have done, sending ❤️ love — Joan Cahill, Victoria

Hi seniors! I hope you’re all doing well and are finding something to be happy about everyday amidst these difficult times. I know everything is a little weird right now but I’m trying my best to enjoy this indoor time by starting new hobbies! I hope you are all doing the same and trying to have fun and try new things while obviously staying safe and healthy. Soon, everything will return to normal and we’ll be able to go outside and enjoy the sunshine that we are blessed to have. Please stay positive, you are loved and cared for and we will get through this together. Much love.

Hello, I live in northern BC and would like to share a picture of my newborn horse with you to brighten your day. — Holly Pottinger, Telkwa



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