BCCPA to launch the Interior Administrators’ Network (IAN)

Each health region has its own dynamics. When opportunities to strengthen seniors care emerge, they are often best addressed through local collaboration. BC Care Providers Association is pleased to announce that the Interior Administrators’ Network (IAN) will hold its inaugural meeting on April 16, 2019 from 12 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. at Brandt’s Creek Mews […]
Antipsychotics use in LTC drops 31.2% since 2013

What are the next steps to build upon this success? British Columbia’s continuing care sector is paying more attention to the inappropriate use of antipsychotics than ever before, and progress is being made. In fact, according to the Office of the Seniors Advocate, publicly subsidized care homes have seen a 31.2% drop in inappropriate antipsychotic […]
Home Care Ontario calls for more investment in home care

Home Care Ontario just released their pre-budget submission, which makes eight recommendations for home care. Among the recommendations is a plea for an investment of an additional $600 million annually in Ontario’s home care system to deliver more front line patient care. This would mean 9 million more PSW (care aide) visits, 5.1 million more […]