Tag: Safety Champion

Meet 2020 Safety Champion Cindy Kaufmann

This week, BC Care Providers Association announced the winners of the 7th Annual BC Care Awards which recognizes employees who provide superlative and compassionate care for seniors and in addition to having the respect and support of their peers. In this profile, we feature 2020 Safety Champion award winner Cindy Kaufmann from Eden Gardens in Nanaimo. Here’s what Cindy’s […]

BC Care Awards: Featuring Safety Champion award winner Erin Terry

Every year, the BC Care Awards celebrate care providers who go above and beyond delivering care to our seniors. In this profile, we feature Safety Champion award winner Erin Terry from Strive Living Society for her work supporting the safety of her coworkers and the individuals who utilize their programs. Here’s what Erin’s colleague and nominator Alisha […]

BC Care Awards: Recognizing the Safety Champion Award finalists

Every year, the BC Care Awards celebrate care providers who go above and beyond delivering care to our seniors. This post features finalists for the Safety Champion Award, with an explanation of why they deserve to win, in the nominators’ own words. The Safety Champion Award recognizes and celebrates individuals and member organizations who are passionate about promoting […]