BC Builds to help address worker housing and staffing shortages

Earlier this week, the Government of British Columbia launched BC Builds, which will deliver more lower-cost, middle-income rental homes faster. This new initiative brings together government, community and non-profit owned and underused land with $2 billion in low-cost financing and a commitment of $950 million for the overall program. BC Care Providers Association (BCCPA) and […]
Allied Health Strategic Plan webinars

This week, the B.C. Ministry of Health announced the release of the Allied Health Strategic Plan (Strategic Plan), which focuses on recruitment, retention, training and redesigning of the allied health workforce, to ensure people have access to the health-care providers they need. The Strategic Plan was created as part of the B.C. Health Human Resources (HHR) […]
Government of British Columbia announces more financial support for internationally educated nurses

This afternoon, the Government of British Columbia announced a faster, more efficient assessment pathway for internationally educated nurses (IENs) who would like to work in the province. The new pathway, which will be launched by 2023, will include more options for credential recognition and an updated approach to assessing English-language proficiency. The provincial government will […]
BCCPA in Ottawa Wrap Up Report

Last week, BC Care Providers Association CEO Terry Lake and VP Public Affairs Mike Klassen attended meetings in Ottawa as part of the delegation for the Canadian Association of Long-Term Care (CALTC). During the 3-day trip, BCCPA and CALTC reps engaged several Members of Parliament and Ministry staff around the key issues facing the continuing […]
Provincial government releases HHR Strategy

Minister of Health Adrian Dix recently announced a new Health Human Resources (HHR) strategy that aims to address the considerable challenges facing the health care system at present. BC Care Providers Association (BCCPA) commends the Minister for this multi-year strategy which includes 70 actions. Health human resource challenges are the foremost concern of our membership, […]
Statement from BCCPA on new supports for Internationally Educated Nurses

Burnaby, BC (April 19, 2022) — News from the Ministry of Health announcing important changes that will help internationally educated nurses (IENs) to become eligible for work in B.C.’s healthcare system is extremely positive, says BC Care Providers Association (BCCPA). At a news conference on Tuesday, Minister of Health Adrian Dix and Parliamentary Secretary for […]
HCA Training Program accelerates with funding for two new cohorts

BC Care Providers Association and EngAge BC’s HCA Training Program has been a phenomenal success so far, and our organization continues to receive funding from the Government of Canada through the Canada-British Columbia Workforce Development Agreement. We are pleased to report that more opportunities have been approved as we accelerate with this training program. […]
New health investments aim to address critical staff shortages in seniors’ care sector

B.C.’s Pandemic Preparedness Plan includes innovative health care career pathway & enhanced flu vaccines Burnaby, B.C. (September 10, 2020): The leading organization representing B.C.’s non-government seniors’ care and retirement living operators — BC Care Providers Association (BCCPA) — is lauding the announcement of a $1.6 billion pandemic preparedness plan led by the province’s Ministry of […]
Calling all nurses: It’s time to activate Internationally Educated Nurses living in Canada

BCCPA is calling upon our federal and provincial governments to work together to activate internationally educated nurses as part of the responses to the coronavirus pandemic. This was a key point in this week’s National Post op-ed by our CEO Daniel Fontaine. International health care professionals are willing to take on key roles as nurses […]