Opinion: How will Canada’s next government tackle the needs of our aging society?

Rather than allowing our healthcare system to buckle under the weight of surging demand, Canada’s next government must immediately implement reforms to our immigration system As Canadians go to the polls again to choose a government, we see precious little time on the hustings has been devoted to discussing our aging demographic and what it means for our way of life. The challenges and opportunities of an aging […]
Care to Chat Wrap Up: Season 9 kicks off with special #Elxn44 edition

On September 15th, season 9 of our high-profile speaker series Care to Chat kicked off with a special Canada elections edition featuring a panel of national representatives who discussed the politics and possibilities facing the seniors care sector within Canada. Moderated by BC Care Providers Association (BCCPA) Vice President of Public Affairs Mike Klassen, constructive […]
Announcing Arjo as Title Sponsor for Season 9 of Care to Chat

BC Care Providers Association and EngAge BC are pleased to announce Arjo as the title sponsor for season 9 of our Care to Chat speaker series that will run from 2021 to 2022. At Arjo, they believe that empowering movement within healthcare environments is essential to quality care. Their products and solutions are designed to […]
Care to Chat kicks off 9th season with special Canada Election edition

Care to Chat is back! With the parties’ campaign platforms now released, what do we know that lays ahead for Canada’s seniors care sector after September 20th? The popular Care to Chat speaker series of events kicks off its ninth season with a national expert panel to discuss the politics and the possibilities facing the […]
#Elxn44: Where do the major parties stand on seniors care?

For over a year, BC Care Providers Association has engaged with representatives of the federal government and of the Opposition to make the case for a fulsome national response to the crisis in our aged care sector. This has included meetings with Cabinet ministers, directors of policy plus other key staff across the Government of […]