We need your input! Assist in the expansion of the EFAP across the sector

As part of the provincial Health Human Resources Strategy, the government is committed to expanding the Employee and Family Assistance Program (EFAP) to private and affiliated long-term care and assisted living site employees. To ensure the expansion is effective, the BC Care Providers Association requires insight into the specific coverage of current health benefits plans […]
Attention Kamloops: applications open for funded health care aide training program

BCCPA set to launch another health care aide training program with Stenberg College BC Care Providers Association (BCCPA) has secured another round of funding through the Canada-British Columbia Workforce Development Agreement which will cover the tuition and expenses for 16 students in Kamloops to pursue careers in seniors’ care. $240,000 will go towards training a 16-person cohort of health care […]
Celebrate Health Care Assistant Day 2020!

We are thankful for all the work done by our front-line care staff — our housekeeping teams, dietary services, https://bccare.ca/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/medcare-img22.jpgistrators, LPNs and RNs, recreational therapists, directors of care and management, and all those who ensure that residents are comforted and cared for. Today we celebrate the work of health care aides right across Canada, and […]
New health investments aim to address critical staff shortages in seniors’ care sector

B.C.’s Pandemic Preparedness Plan includes innovative health care career pathway & enhanced flu vaccines Burnaby, B.C. (September 10, 2020): The leading organization representing B.C.’s non-government seniors’ care and retirement living operators — BC Care Providers Association (BCCPA) — is lauding the announcement of a $1.6 billion pandemic preparedness plan led by the province’s Ministry of […]
Streamlined care aide enrollment process for nursing students, COVID-19 response

Recent policy changes to B.C.’s health care assistant registrar will make it easier for nursing students to find employment in British Columbia’s health care sector. These changes are part of the Ministry of Health’s efforts to source additional health care professionals as part of their response to the coronavirus pandemic. Publicly announced on March 27th, […]
Are you a seniors care provider looking for staff? Then go2HR

During these challenging times we are seeing several sectors of our economy deeply affected by the COVID-19 coronavirus. None have been impacted more than our restaurant, hotel and hospitality sector. This multi-billion dollar B.C. industry has been hit by a shock like never before, and the people who we have depended upon to be our […]
Media Release: New report shows apprenticeships provide a strong pathway toward seniors’ care careers

BCCPA’s report, published during Apprenticeship Recognition Month, emphasizes the need for more health care apprenticeships in the province. November 18, 2019 (Burnaby, B.C.) – Apprenticeships are commonly used for many trades and skilled occupations in Canada. However, a new report by BC Care Providers Association (BCCPA) proposes that apprenticeships are still an untapped opportunity for employers […]
BC Care Providers celebrates Health Care Assistant Day!

October 18, 2019 marks Health Care Assistant Day in British Columbia. BC Care Providers Association is proud to recognize the compassion, professionalism and perseverance of over 35,000 health care assistants (HCAs) working in B.C. “Today, we acknowledge the contributions of the unsung heroes of our community,” says BCCPA CEO Daniel Fontaine. “HCAs play a unique […]
#Choose2Care campaign launched to attract health care aide job candidates

A new marketing campaign spearheaded by Health Match BC has launched to boost public awareness of the health care assistant (HCA) profession. “Choose2Care” is funded by the provincial government, and was developed in partnership with multiple government ministry representatives, health authorities, training college, as well as BC Care Providers Association providing ideas and input on […]