Advertising & Sponsorships
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Become a Sponsor for BCCPA Events
Why should you advertise and sponsor with BCCPA?
Our website now has well over 200,000 page views annually, and is the go-to resource for key decision-makers and for thousands who work in the continuing care sector. It is also a great source of information for families and residents in care. With thousands of unique visitors each month, it is a great way to provide exposure for your goods and services.

Our website includes professionally written human interest stories, links and commentary on the latest reports and research, as well as an array of social media engagement.
Our members represent the full continuum of care:
- Long-term care
- Home care and home support
- Licensed private-pay
- Congregate & assisted living
- Independent living
BCCPA Quick Facts
- Over 300 service provider and commercial members across B.C.
- BCCPA represents more than 12,000 residential care beds—this is over 65% of the contracted beds in the province
- BCCPA members represents over 50% of the home care payroll in the province
- Our members have more than $1.5 billion in capital investment
- Our members employ in excess of 11,000 full-time workers
- Our private and publicly-funded home support members provide service to more than 12,000 clients annually
- Many of our members have been in operation 20+ years
- Care providers have a wealth of experience, knowledge, and are leaders in innovation
- B.C.’s annual Home and Community Care budget is almost $3.0 billion, which is on par with the fifth largest Ministry
For more information, please contact:
Cathy Szmaus, Vice President | Operations + Corporate Partnerships
Office: (604) 736-4233 x 226 E-mail: