EngAge in Conversation: Sales – A Journey and a Destination
From getting a potential client to pick-up their first brochure, to selling your residence as the best local option, to helping a senior recognize that they are ready to move, the sales journey is complex in independent living.
EngAge in Conversation is pleased to announce its latest webinar titled Sales: A Journey and a Destination. Join operators, and marketing organizations specialized in the seniors living sector as they explore the following questions:
- Many seniors living operators will tell you that a solid sales strategy means investing in strategies to ensure that your client knows about you, long before they need you. What can operators do today, to attract clients tomorrow?
- Many seniors choose an independent living home based on word of mouth. How can your organization build a stronger reputation in your community?
- What tools can you use to spread the word?
- Sometimes good things come to those who wait. How do you maintain a relationship with a potential client who just isn’t ready yet?
- When the time is right, how do you seal the deal?
- Moderator: Rebecca Frederick, Director EngAge BC & Public Affairs
- Greenhouse Marketing
- Chris Swift, Community manager at Ocean Front Village, Golden Life Management
- Janice Miller, Manager, Marketing and Community Relations), Bria Communities
- Lina Saba, Senior Director of Brand Communications & Marketing, Park Place Seniors Living
Event details:
Wednesday June 21 2023
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
Zoom Webinar
Wednesday June 21 2023
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
Zoom Webinar
Registration is free for all EngAge BC and BC Care Providers Association members, and can be completed here.