Click the image to the right to download a copy of the BCCPA/EngAge BC Crisis Communications Manual (Member365 password required).
Why do our members need this resource?

Crises by their very nature are unexpected events, especially in the field of health care where the well-being and, in some cases, the lives of people are on the line. However, being prepared for all eventualities is the hallmark of effective crisis communications planning. Laying out the range of possibilities, contact information for all relevant stakeholders, the appropriate responses, and the process by which to respond are the primary objectives of this crisis manual.
Every crisis has its own unique characteristics. While the objective is always to contain the crisis, there is a time to be proactive in communications and a time to use restraint. Decisions must be made quickly and, inevitably, when information may be incomplete. Having a comprehensive communications manual in place with a clear path forward saves valuable time, allowing the team to focus on the actual crisis.
This manual defines what to do when a crisis hits, how to pull together the best team for an effective response, how to develop a message, when your spokesperson(s) communicates your desired message, and the vehicles through which to communicate, and the key media and stakeholders to whom you must immediately reach out.
Remember: with the right messages and the right process, you can effectively manage unanticipated events, communicate during a crisis, and minimize reputational damage.