2024 B.C. Election: An Urgent Call to Action
B.C. is at a seniors-care crossroads. By 2036, more than one in five British Columbians will be over the age of 65 and our care system isn’t ready for them. Without immediate action, our seniors—who have contributed so much to our communities—will face inadequate care and support in their most vulnerable years.
Now more than ever, B.C. needs leadership and action for our growing seniors’ population. The time to act is now. The future of our elders’ well-being depends on it.
That is why BCCPA is calling upon all political parties to commit to:
- Implement an ‘aging in the right place’ tax credit;
- Build 5,000 new long-term care beds by 2028;
- Implement a continuous request for proposal (RFP) model for long-term care providers; and
- Create a redevelopment fund for aging long-term care infrastructure.
Important Facts
- By 2036, more than 1 in 5 British Columbians will be over the age of 65.
- BC will need over 30,000 new long-term care beds by 2035 to accommodate our aging population.
- In 2022 alone, the number of seniors waiting increased by 40 percent.
Working Together for a Better Future for Seniors
The current situation demands strong leadership. Challenges with providing seniors living, wellness and care are getting too big for the government alone–this requires all hands on deck. We need both the government and private sector to work together, setting aside differences, to meet the demand.
We have the power to meet the challenge before if we act now. By investing in long-term care infrastructure and models of high-quality care, we can build a system that will withstand the demands of our aging population. Let’s work together to build a future where every senior in B.C. can enjoy their later years with the care and respect they deserve.
Grassroots Advocacy Strategy
To mobilize our membership ahead of the election and to support their advocacy efforts, BCCPA has prepared a Grassroots Advocacy Strategy to encourage members and non-members to connect and engage directly with their local MLAs and candidates about the importance of the All Hands-On-Deck plan.
Click on the thumbnail to view/download.
Supplemental documents can be found in the links below:
Backgrounder: Long-Term Care Developments in B.C.
Click the tabs below to expand and view detailed information about the announced capital investments, including the number of new and replacement beds, the total cost for each development, and the average cost per bed.