Our Mandate

BCCPA represents service providers in the seniors living and wellness sector, which incorporates:

  • Long-term care
  • Home care
  • Assisted living
  • Independent living
  • Home support

Creating over 18,000 direct and indirect jobs in the sector, BCCPA members care for more than 16,000 seniors annually in long-term care/assisted living and over 11,000 each year through home care and home support.


What We Do

On behalf of its members BCCPA focuses its efforts in the following key areas:

  • Foster Standards and Quality of Service: Advocate for and enhance quality of life for seniors;
  • Sustainability of Services: Ensure adequate funding to enhance the quality and types of services;
  • Relationship Building: Collaborate and partner with government, health authorities and key stakeholders;
  • Membership Services: Support members in order to foster quality of service and quality of life for seniors.


Vision Statement

To be the leading expert and innovator in British Columbia, shaping the future of independent living, care, and support service for seniors.

Mission Statement

We support our members to provide safe, high quality of life to seniors accessing seniors living, care, and support services through research, education, advocacy and partnerships.

Values Statement

We conduct our activities in a collaborative manner with respect, integrity and transparency and strive at all times to be responsive to our members.

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