Ministry of Health mandate letter released

BC Care Providers Association (BCCPA) is pleased to see the inclusion of seniors’ care in the Ministry of Health mandate letter released earlier today from the Office of the Premier.

Mandate letters provide policy direction and commitments for each ministry and include the same four core priorities growing the economy by creating jobs across the province, reducing family costs, strengthening healthcare, and making neighbourhoods and communities safer.

B.C.’s newly appointed Minister of Health, Hon. Josie Osborne, has been directed to prioritize the following, including a key focus on seniors’ care:

  • Working with the Minister of Finance to review all existing Ministry of Health programs and initiatives to ensure they are supporting British Columbians’ healthcare needs while keeping costs manageable.
  • Redesign the Health Human Resource system to deliver better and faster care for the growing needs of people in BC.
  • Connecting more people to family healthcare providers, ensuring every British Columbian has access to primary care.
  • Addressing temporary emergency room closures.
  • Meeting international standards for cancer care outcomes and delivery.
  • Leading public investments made in seniors care to improve efficiency and effectiveness in the delivery of care to the growing seniors population.
  • Reducing the administrative costs across the healthcare system.
  • Requiring private colleges to immediately recognize the credentials of Canadian healthcare workers and recognize international healthcare workers from countries with similar or equivalent training programs within six weeks.
  • Continue working with stakeholders on initiatives to strengthen nurse-to-patient ratios.

The Minister of Health will be supported by three parliamentary secretaries, including a Parliamentary Secretary for Seniors’ Services and Long-Term Care, Susie Chant, who will engage with service providers, advocates, and seniors to identify opportunities to improve the delivery of care to seniors that is cost-effective.

BCCPA looks forward to working alongside Minister Osborne and P.S. Chant to support this mandate and collaboratively address challenges facing the seniors in B.C.


Read the full Ministry of Health mandate letter here.

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