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The federal government has instituted an Underused Housing Tax (“UHT”) aimed at foreign investors leaving housing unoccupied. While this tax is not aimed at long-term care (LTC) homes, some corporations may need to file in order to meet the requirements of reporting.
Facilitated by Orla O’Malley, Senior Associate at Borden Ladner Gervais LLP’s commercial real estate group, and Scott Gorski, Senior Associate at Borden Ladner Gervais LLP’s tax and private client group, this webinar covers the basics of the Federal Underused Housing Tax and how it may apply to LTC, assisted living and independent living operators within Canada.
Learning outcomes include:
- UHT has a much broader application that the government’s stated target, being “foreign” owners (many wholly owned Canadian entities will be required to file a return)
- A better understanding of whether UHT requires these owner/operators to complete a filing on behalf of the properties depending on certain factors:
- Registered charity or just society?
- More than 3 “Dwelling units”?
- If required to file, examination of criteria for non “foreign” owned.
Click here to view the webinar.
BCCPA and EngAge BC presents its latest Energy Savings Program information session. This event will assist our members in understanding the on-site renewable energy generation technologies and effective building cooling systems.
Facilitated by our Energy Specialist Abhijeet Singh, this webinar answers questions such as:
- How Combined Heat and Power (CHP) systems can benefit senior living homes.
- Harvest sun and reduce natural gas consumption
- Barriers and effective ways to install air conditioning systems
Long-term care (LTC) homes are currently facing challenges in ensuring safe living environments and quality of care for senior residents. LTC homes are not only struggling with labour retention and staff absenteeism, but also with high rates of hospital-acquired infections (HAIs). Now more than ever, a safe living environment is key to the quality of life for seniors.
Join BCCPA and Sterasure in the latest Lunch + Learn webinar to help address the issues with staffing and HAIs in LTC homes. This session will focus on strategies to help guarantee safe and quality living environments for senior residents in care homes across the country. Beyond safety, this webinar will also review how CASPR can save on critical labour resources, reduce staff absenteeism, consumables, and pathogens facility-wide. Menno Place will also be joining the discussion to provide first-hand experiences as a long-term care provider.
Panelists include:
- Robert Fuller – Managing Director, Sterasure, rfuller@sterasure.com
- Lorry Prokopich – Account Executive BC, Sterasure, lorry@sterasure.com
- Karen Biggs – CEO of Menno Place & Vice President of the Board of Directors for the BC Care Providers Association, Menno Place, Biggs@mennoplace.ca
- Bas Kervel – Manager, Environmental Services and Materiel Management, Menno Place, Bas.Kervel@mennoplace.ca
Attendees learned:
- Strategies on how to improve the safety of nurses, staff and residents
- The variety of pathogens CASPR can reduce, beyond SARS COV2
- How CASPR can reduce HAIs and SARS COV2 outbreaks
- Operational budgetary savings for consumables, room turnover, manual disinfection
Seniors with poor oral health live with risks to their overall health. Oral health diseases or pain can affect the ability to speak properly, which can lead to social isolation. It can also affect the ability to eat properly, which can cause a decline in nutritional status, body weight and overall resistance to systemic diseases. BCDA is well-positioned to develop and provide training support to family members regarding daily mouth care assistance to residents; and by working with stakeholders to support effective and sustainable oral healthcare for residents in long-term care.
Dr. Salima Dadani, BCDA Director of Member Support and members of the BCDA Geriatric Dentistry Committee discuss the role that family members can play in assisting with residents’ daily mouth care as an addition to that provided by professional caregivers. The discussion topics include COVID-19 challenges, development and delivery of training resources for laypersons, and culturally-sensitive promotion of mouth care education resources to families.
Attendees learned about:
- U0nderstanding the challenges in providing daily mouth care to residents in long term care, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic.
- The potential health issues associated with compromised daily mouth care.
- How family members can actively and appropriately participate in daily mouth care for long term care residents.
This webinar will help assist our members in understanding the provincial CleanBC road map 2030, how to de-carbonize, and avail essential incentives.
Facilitated by our Energy Specialist Abhijeet Singh and educational partner Kenneth McNamee, Principal at Impact Engineering, this webinar answers questions such as:
- CleanBC’s Roadmap to 2030 and its impact on buildings energy consumption?
- What are the critical challenges/barriers to meeting CleanBC roadmap?
- Ways to improve building efficiency?
- Success stories of 2021 BCCPA members?
On November 24, 2021, the B.C. Government announced that the province will become the first in Canada to require that every employer give their employees five paid sick days per year.
This webinar takes an in-depth look at the impacts of the new permanent paid sick leave provision on the seniors living and continuing care sector.
Facilitated by Danny Bernstein, partner at Roper Greyell, this webinar answers questions such as:
- Who is eligible for paid sick leave?
- How is sick leave pay calculated for full-time, part-time, and casual workers?
- When it is reasonable to require proof of illness, and what proof can be requested?
- And more!
How does the ageing population affect the design of your property’s future? With the next generation of seniors entering the care system, the baby boomers are living longer, are more affluent and their expectations and standards of living are higher from previous generations.
This interactive session with Joyce Clutton & Dana O’Donnell, Senior Interior Designers with Blueleaf, provides you with the tools to attract the new generation, design for them, and prepare for a market demographic shift.
Attendees learned about:
- Three key points about the baby boomer demographic
- How to design for them
- Emerging methods of including professional design into new building discussions
- How to navigate financing, when architects are the traditional driver of design choices
Choose2Care is a program under Health Match BC, launched in 2019 through partnership with the provincial government, employers, educators, and industry associations. The purpose of Choose2Care is to increase public awareness of the Health Care Assistant profession and to provide potential HCAs with the information they need to train, register, and become employed in BC.
The Health Care Assistant team also offers a suite of bursaries and stipends to financially support HCAs at different stages of their registration and employment processes. We welcome managers to join us and to learn more about the different registration pathways and related initiatives aimed to reduce barriers to recruitment of HCAs.
BC Care Providers Association | EngAge BC was joinede by Danny Bernstein, partner at Roper Greyell, for an in-depth look at the impacts of the new permanent paid sick leave provision that is coming into effect on January 1st, 2022 under the Employment Standards Act.
Danny outlined the anticipated impacts for seniors’ care and living providers, and answer questions such as:
- How will the new paid sick leave impact existing collective agreements?
- What do I need to know about the “meet or exceeds” clause?
- How does the policy apply to my full-time, part-time and casual employees?
- What about independent contractors?
Despite high rates of vaccination among residents and workers in the health care sector, the highly transmissible delta variant is continuing to cause breakthrough infections in seniors’ care and living settings. And where there are COVID-19 cases, there are COVID-19 claims.
This webinar provides an in-depth explanation on how the WorkSafe BC “presumptive clause” applies to COVID-19 claims in the long-term care (CU #766011), community health support (CU #766006), and retirement living (CU #766018) sectors.
Co-hosted by BCCPA and SafeCare BC, and facilitated by Lauren Thom, Client ervices Manager for WorkSafeBC, this webinar addresses questions such as:
- What is the presumptive clause and how does to apply to SARS-CoV-2?
- What does the presumptive clause mean for claims costs in the seniors’ care and living sector?
- What factors are taken into account during an investigative claim for COVID-19?
- What role does asymptotic transmission play?
In a world shaped by the COVID-19 pandemic, it is more challenging than ever for employers to find local talent to meet the growing demand for seniors’ care and living services. Care operators are increasingly seeking to recruit international talent to join their team, but face may roadblocks at every step of the process.
This webinar provides an in-depth discussion on how internationally sourced talent can help address workforce challenges in the long-term care, assisted living, home health and independent living sectors.
Facilitated by Rob Mingay and Laleh Sabha from TalentBox Workforce Development Inc, this webinar provided an overview of the benefits of attracting international talent, strategies for recruitment, and how to integrate international workers into your business and the local community.
For more information on TalentBox or to book a private consultation, please email Laleh@talentboxcanada.com or call 778 883 6077.
During the COVID-19 pandemic the issue of vaccination of front line staff has been top of mind for those providing care and services to our most vulnerable seniors population. Quebec has passed a bill mandating vaccination or regular screening for all front line health care workers. While BC has not indicated it will take similar action, there have been calls from the Canadian Medical Association and from some care providers to advocate for this.
Moderated by Terry Lake, BC Care Provider Association | EngAge BC CEO, this webinar will cover the ethical implications of mandating COVID-19 vaccinations, allowing the refusal of vaccinations, and making trade-offs between personal liberty and public health.
- Al Jina, LLB, President and CEO of Park Place Seniors Living
- Dr. Annalee Yassi, Professor, School of Population and Public Health, University of British Columbia
- Barb MacLean, Executive Director of Family Caregivers of BC
BC Care Providers Association and SafeCare BC presented an important and timely Lunch + Learn online forum with the Provincial Health Services Authority (PHSA) on Screening for COVID-19: Using Rapid Tests in Continuing Care Settings.
Hear directly from health officials and care providers on how rapid testing is being used as an effective COVID-19 screening tool in care homes, and how interested operators across the sector can participate.
An in-depth look at how technology and cutting-edge software tools are helping solve the healthcare labour shortage crisis and other critical staffing challenges in long-term care and senior living homes today.
Hendrik Van Ryk, BC Care Provider Association (BCCPA) Board Vice President, member of the BCCPA Health Human Resources Committee, and Chief Operations Officer of H&H Total Care Services, sat down with Curtis Khan CEO and Founder of BookJane, a leading workforce management solution. Along with BookJane’s Michael Li, VP Operations, they explored how technology can be effectively utilized to mobilize workforce quickly, easily and more efficiently to significantly increase staff retention and engagement, and provide greater consistency and continuity in quality patient and resident care.
Joined by Jessica Poling, Senior Director of Employee Services with Seasons Retirement Communities, a current BookJane client, the panel provided a real-world example of how powerful new tools and technologies like BookJane can be seamlessly integrated and become a pivotal game-changer for your homes in the age of COVID-19.
Among many innovative and time-saving features, BookJane’s J360 platform also has several important COVID management features built in. These features include the ability to bubble staff by facility and by zone.
For more information on BookJane, or to book a private demo, please email curtis@bookjane.com or call 416-352-8636
BookJane is a Premiere Partner of our Annual Conference The Three R’s: Reflection, Resilience, Reinvention
On March 2, 2021, Dr. Henry indicated that the province was looking to reallow family visits in long-term care and assisted living, as early as the end of this month. From the perspective of the BC Care Providers Association this news is heartening, as the association has been advocating to reinstate family visits for many months.
There are many things to consider as our members look towards welcoming family caregivers back into long-term care and assisted living homes. Particularly, it is likely that upon being reunited with residents, some family members will experience feelings of grief and loss. In many cases these emotions will be triggered by the physical and cognitive changes they notice after being apart from their family members for such a long period of time.
With guests from the Alzheimer Society of B.C., the Family Caregivers of B.C., and the Vancouver Island Association of Family Councils this webinar overviews the support services which long-term care and assisted living staff can draw on to support family caregivers.