The Alzheimer Society of B.C. has been funded by the Ministry of Health to deliver U-First!® training to frontline staff in publicly funded long-term care homes across the province. Rooted in the PIECES™ approach, this exciting initiative offers the opportunity to expand person-centred training to a broader range of staff, equipping care teams with the skills needed to deliver safe and effective, person-centred care.
When embedded within a broader quality improvement framework, standardized dementia training programs, such as U-First!®, are an integral part of enhancing overall care quality. By supporting a shared language and understanding of the behavioral changes associated with dementia, U-First!® helps to facilitate a unified approach to care and enhanced understanding of the whole person. Over the past two years, U-First!® has contributed to quality improvement initiatives in select care homes in B.C. where it has been made available, including a reduced reliance on pharmacological interventions to manage behavioural symptoms of dementia.
In this one-hour webinar, you will learn about the impact of person-centred care, what the U-First!® dementia training program is, and how to learn about available trainings.
Event details
Zoom webinar
Thursday, March 20 2025
12:30 PM – 1:30 PM