2024 B.C. Election: An #AllHandsOnDeck approach for seniors’ care

B.C. is at a seniors-care crossroads. By 2036, more than one in five British Columbians will be over the age of 65 and our care system isn’t ready for them. Without immediate action, our seniors, who have contributed so much to our communities, will face inadequate care and support in their most vulnerable years.

Now more than ever, B.C. needs leadership and action for our growing seniors’ population. The time to act is now. The future of our elders’ well-being depends on it. That is why BC Care Providers Association (BCCPA) has developed a pre-election campaign titled All Hands-On-Deck: An Urgent Call to Action to Ensure Care for B.C. Seniors.

The campaign highlights critical issues in seniors’ care and calls on all parties to commit to the following recommendations:

  1. Implement an ‘aging in the right place’ tax credit;
  2. Build 5000 new long-term care beds by 2028;
  3. Implement a continuous request for proposal (RFP) model for long-term care providers; and
  4. Create a redevelopment fund for aging long-term care infrastructure.


To supplement this campaign, BCCPA has developed materials in efforts to mobilize our membership and to support their advocacy efforts leading up to the provincial election on October 19th. These include:

For more information, visit the campaign webpage here. Together, with #AllHandsOnDeck, we can meet the growing demands of our aging population.


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