June 15 is World Elder Abuse Awareness Day

As a member of the Council to Reduce Elder Abuse (CREA), we invite you to join us in supporting World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD) tomorrow, June 15th, by wearing purple.

Wearing purple serves as a symbol of commitment to advocating against the neglect of older adults while also honouring seniors as invaluable contributors to society, enriching our communities with skills, knowledge, and experiences.

Here’s how you can take part:
1. Wear something purple
2. Raise awareness on social media platforms using #WEADD2024 #BCCRNWEAAD2024 #AgeWithAttitude 💜
3. Attend events in your local area here

For more resources and support in learning about adult abuse, neglect, and self-neglect, including free workshops, we encourage you to visit the BC Association of Community Response Networks website here.

#WEADD2024 #BCCRNWEAAD2024 #AgeWithAttitude


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