BC Care Providers Association responds to BC Seniors Advocate’s new report

Today, BC Seniors Advocate released Billions More Reasons to Care: Contracted Long-Term Care-Funding Review Update,” a follow-up to its 2020 report on B.C.’s contracted long-term care. The report calls for better quality of care for residents through alignment with funding.

The BC Care Providers Association (BCCPA), which represents the majority of contracted not-for-profit and for-profit long-term care operators, echoes the Seniors Advocate’s call for the development of a new funding formula for long-term care.

“We have been in deep discussions with the Ministry of Health and Health Authorities on a new formula based on equity, transparency and importantly, sustainability,” said BCCPA CEO Terry Lake who added, “the OSA’s report outlines a 13% decrease in long-term care beds versus the demand and a 149% increase in wait lists, which clearly is not sustainable.”

The report acknowledges a lack of consistency and clarity on how long-term care is funded in the province. However, the Association raises questions on some of the conclusions drawn from the data, which was taken during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“To say this time was chaotic is an understatement” said Lake, who also said providers across the sector were focused on keeping residents and staff safe by pouring money into overtime and infection prevention and control supplies.


Lake added that the costs from 2021-22 have yet to be finalized so wonders how this report can be considered complete.

“It is difficult to have confidence in the current data, as reconciliation for COVID-related spending is still underway and it is irresponsible to draw conclusions for a COVID impacted year.”

In addition, the health human resources crisis sometimes meant there was not enough staff to safely keep beds open. When the single-site staffing orders were implemented, for instance, care providers found their ability to fill vacant shifts severely limited due to the scarcity of available personnel. This prevented the delivery of all care hours they were contracted to deliver.

While staffing challenges were acknowledged by regional Health Authorities, who reviewed and approved affiliate care providers staffing plans regularly, incentives were not available to contracted providers, which exacerbated these staffing challenges.

In order to deliver the best quality of care outcome, we must continue to work and collaborate together in achieving this shared goal.

Read the full report here.

Lake made additional comments on various news networks. View them by clicking the links below:

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