More funding announced for new HCA Training Program and TRA Training Program cohorts

BC Care Providers Association (BCCPA) and EngAge BC are excited to announce that we have obtained new funding for the continuation of our Health Care Assistant (HCA) and Therapeutic Recreation Assistant (TRA) Training Programs, in partnership with Stenberg College and Discovery Community College.

With new funding from the Community Workforce Response Grant (CWRG), we have received a total of $825,000 to train 32 new  HCAs and 15 TRAs, with 15-16 participants per cohort in the following regions:

  • Kamloops (HCA)
  • North Island (HCA)
  • North Island, Kootenays, Okanagan (TRA)

The full cost of skills training tuition is covered through the grant funding, with an addition of up to $5,000 in participant financial supports available to help eliminate participant barriers to program completion.

To date, BCCPA has 273 graduates in regions across the province between our HCA & TRA programs, and 49 students actively in progress with the program.

Training is scheduled to begin in June and July for the HCA Training Program cohorts, and September for the TRA Training Program.

Thank you to those employers who submitted letters of support for the initiative.

If you have any inquiries, please contact Marjahn O’Connor, Sr. Manager, Programs, at

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