You have high standards. Let your clients know with Assurity!

Whether you are an independent living home, or a home health organization, you go above and beyond to ensure that you listen to your clients, and that the services they receive are safe, and exceed their expectations. But how can you demonstrate to new and potential clients that your organization is committed to quality?

With Assurity, operators are provided with a practical approach to meeting and exceeding industry quality standards. Cross-promoted through Route 65, Assurity also supports the public to make informed, confident choices about seniors living and wellness options.

By becoming Assurity certified your organization receives the following:

  • Clear quality standards for your organization
  • Access to an easy to use resource portal
  • Ongoing EngAge BC staff support throughout the certification process
  • Digital and hardcopy marketing packages, including a framed certification plaque
  • A listing on Route 65, as an Assurity Approved operator
  • An Assurity logo on your organization’s public Route 65 profile

Assurity is available exclusively to EngAge BC members. The cost of a two-year* Assurity certification is as follows:

  • Home health: $475 (billed annually at $237.50 per year)
  • Independent living: $795 (billed annually at $397.50 per year)

To learn more about becoming an Assurity certified operator, please contact


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