#BCCPA2023 early bird rates end Friday! Register now and join us for the Boards and Senior Leadership session

Leading in the care sector is wrought with challenges in communication, role clarity, and accountability. Whether you are in a leadership or Board role across the continuum from home care, independent living, assisted living or long-term care, you are likely faced with these challenges on a daily basis.

Join us for Boards and Senior Leadership at the 46th Annual Conference, where Howegroup’s Wynona Giannasi and Jennifer Hystad will facilitate a lively discussion with the following respected leaders and Board directors to learn from their successes and pitfalls:

What strategies do leaders use when roles are blurred, when communication is going off the rails, when reporting is no longer supporting accountability? What is the best advice for getting out of sticky situations? Our participants will leave inspired as we address these questions and uncover actionable take-aways, best practices, and strategies for long term impact.

Boards and Senior Leadership: Successes, Pitfalls, and Best Practices
Monday, May 29, 2023
1:15 PM – 2:15 PM

You can view our full list of pre-conference events, sessions, networking opportunities, sponsors, and exhibitors on our conference website.

Don’t miss out! Register and take advantage of our early bird rates before Friday, March 31st!

Click here to register.

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