Statement from Terry Lake, CEO on federal health-care funding proposal

Burnaby, BC (February 13, 2023) — Canada’s premiers have accepted Ottawa’s health funding agreement. This proposal marks an injection of $46.2B in additional funds over the next decade, by way of a top-up to the Canada Health Transfer (CHT) and new money directed at four priority areas: family health services, health workers and backlogs, mental health and substance use, and a “modernized health system.” This will amount to an increase of approximately $600 million a year for B.C.

Terry Lake, the CEO of BC Care Providers Association (BCCPA) and EngAge BC have issued the following statement.

“BC Care Providers Association (BCCPA) and EngAge BC are pleased to see that these important discussions are moving forward. On account of B.C.’s aging population, and in light of the recently announced national standards, we are hopeful that long-term care will be a focus of the bilateral meetings. While commendable, the national standards will be unachievable without additional funds to support their implementation,” says Lake.

“As we rebuild from the devastating impacts of COVID-19, we have an opportunity to remain focused on the needs of B.C.’s seniors, particularly those requiring care and support,” he continued. “It would be regrettable if we lost sight of the improvements which are possible, and the challenges which were highlighted due to the pandemic. Our Association was heartened by Premier Eby’s statement, which spoke to the need for potential support in specific areas such as long-term care,” he concluded.

Next, Ottawa will hold bilateral meetings with individual provinces to finalize funding agreements.

BCCPA and EngAge BC will continue to monitor these discussions closely, and will make information available to our members as we have it.

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