Dr. Kim McGrail announced as panelist for Care to Chat: Time to Care

Join BC Care Providers Association (BCCPA) this February 15th for Care to Chat’s second session of season 10. Titled Time to Care: What is the appropriate number of care hours?, this session will feature an exciting lineup of panelists, including Dr. Kim McGrail, MPH PhD.

Dr. McGrail holds a variety of roles, including Professor in the UBC School of Population and Public Health and Centre for Health Services and Policy Research, Scientific Director of Population Data BC and Health Data Research Network Canada, and Director of Research for UBC Health. In her latter role, Dr. McGrail supports academic and clinical faculty collaborations on relevant translational health research issues and engages them with the application of knowledge to health systems. Dr McGrail was also a part of the Expert Advisory Group for the pan-Canadian Health Data Strategy and is currently a member of the Global Partnership for AI, as part of the Data Governance Working Group.

In her research, Dr. McGrail focuses on quantitative policy evaluation, aging and the use and cost of health services, as well as other areas of population data science.

Some of her awards and affiliations include the 2017 UBC Award for Excellence in Clinical or Applied Research and the 2009/10 Commonwealth Fund Canadian Harkness Associate in Health Care Policy and Practice.

Join us our panel of healthcare-leading experts discuss the four-hour standard:

February 15th, 2023
11:30 am-2:00 pm
Terminal City Club

Member Tickets: $85
Non-Member Tickets: $135

Tickets include a delicious three course lunch.

This event is now sold out.

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