Share your thoughts on BCCPA and EngAge BC’s member survey!

On behalf of BC Care Providers Association (BCCPA) and EngAge BC, Howegroup is conducting an annual member survey for care/service provider and commercial members. The purpose is to establish the future direction of the association.

The survey will be anonymous and will take approximately 20 minutes. It will remain open until November 30, 2022.

We are requesting that the survey to be completed by one member of your organization who is most knowledgeable of BCCPA and/or EngAge BC. For those organizations with multiple sites, each site may respond to the survey. The survey is geared toward executive and management.

You will be asked to enter your email address to access the survey. Please note that only Howegroup will see your email address. This information will enter you in a draw for one of five $20 Tim Horton gift cards.

The findings and insights from this engagement will be shared with BCCPA and EngAge BC members in early Spring of 2023.


Please access the survey here.

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