HCA Training Program continues with more funding for new cohorts

BC Care Providers Association (BCCPA) and EngAge BC are excited to announce that we have received new funding for the continuation of our HCA Training Program. Thanks to the Community Workforce Response Grant (CWRG), we have received a total of $858,000 in funding for training 52 new Health Care Assistants (HCAs) in various regions across B.C.:

  • Kelowna – starting November 14th
  • Nanaimo/Parksville – starting November 30th
  • South Okanagan & West Kootenays – starting November 30th

With partnership and delivery from Discovery Community College’s HCA Diploma program and with additional health and safety training through SafeCare BC, there will be even more opportunities for prospective HCAs to receive vocational training. The funding will cover full tuition costs for participants, as well as provide up to $5000 in additional financial supports for participants while undertaking training.

As the demand for HCAs across the province increases, the HCA Training Program has consistently been successful in providing training for people interested in careers as HCAs. To date, a total of 193 students have graduated from the program and 72 are currently training.

BCCPA and EngAge BC would like to thank participating employers who have kindly provided their letters of support for the project application. We would also like to thank CWRG, Discovery Community College and SafeCare BC for their ongoing support.

If you have any inquiries on the HCA Training Program, please contact Marjahn O’Connor, Programs Senior Manager, at marjahn@bccare.ca.



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