BC Regional Forums to discuss best practices managing COVID-19 in Long-Term Care

In follow-up to an earlier UBC survey and study looking at COVID-19 best practices in long term care, the researchers will also be hosting a series of health authority virtual discussion forums involving long term care homes across British Columbia. Along with management, staff, residents and family members of those living in care homes are invited to participate. Each forum will last about 2 hours (2-4pm) as the tentative dates for these forums are:

  • Friday August 6, 2021 (Interior Health) – now completed
  • Friday September 3, 2021 (Vancouver Island Health) – now completed
  • Friday October 1, 2021 (Fraser Health) – now completed
  • Friday November 5, 2021 (Vancouver Coastal Health)
  • Friday December 3, 2021 (Northern Health)

The purpose of the forums is to jointly develop best pandemic management policy and practice recommendations for long term care homes in BC, including:

  1. Which pandemic policies and practices are applicable across the provincial LTC homes?
  2. What policies and practices should the BC Ministry of Health endorse to ensure effective pandemic management?
  3. What strategies will ensure effective, consistent uptake of policies and practices?
  4. What measurable process and outcomes indicators ensure effective uptake of policies and practices?
  5. What will be required provincially and locally for successful spread and sustainability?

Currently, registration for the Northern Health Forum on December 3rd, 2021 is now open. Participants are required to register (no charge) for this event using the following link. Following registration, you will receive a zoom link for the virtual event.

As such, if you are a care home (LTC) operator, staff, resident or family member affiliated with Interior Health Authority, you are now invited to participate in a 2-hour virtual discussion forum with university researchers and LTC experts from the BC Ministry of Health, BC Care Provider Association and SafeCareBC. A poster for the forum is also available at following link.

If you have any questions  about the study or forum, please contact the Primary Investigator:


Farinaz Havaei RN, MERM, PhD
Assistant Professor of Nursing, UBC
Phone number: 604-827-4732

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