Free help for residents and families with life or health insurance complaints

Did you know you can turn to the OmbudService for Life and Health Insurance (OLHI) for help if your insurer denies your life or health insurance claim? OHLI is conducting a public education strategy to raise awareness of services that can benefit BCCPA and EngAge BC members. OLHI is Canada’s free, independent, and impartial alternative dispute resolution service for life and health insurance consumers, all 29 million of them. Every year, the organization helps thousands of life and health insurance consumers with complaints about many kinds of insurance.They offer helpful information and guide consumers through the complaints process. If consumers have a complaint with their insurer, OLHI has a team of experts who can review or investigate their complaints. If their team thinks the complaint has merit, they will make a non-binding settlement recommendation to the insurance company.

See OLHI’s alternative dispute resolution public service in action

I have a complaint. What should I do?

Suppose your insurance company denies a claim, and you don’t know why or disagree with the decision. In that case, your first step is to talk to connect with OLHI.

OLHI has resources to help you start your complaint process. All insurance companies have a process for resolving complaints directly with their customers. They also have staff responsible for handling consumer complaints. OLHI’s website explains the process and lists all of the complaints officers for insurance companies across the country.

If you complete this process, your insurance company will send you a final position letter explaining their decision. Once you receive this letter, you can submit a complaint right on OLHI’s website.

OLHI can only review your complaint if you have received a final position letter.


Want more information?

Visit OLHI online or follow them to learn more.

OLHI also wants to partner with organizations that have frontline teams that support Canadians by sharing helpful resources. If you want to educate your employees about OLHI’s public service, contact with them at They can share public education materials, host workshops and provide content for your publications.

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