LTC operators concerned about staffing shortages following mandatory vaccination

On September 27th, BC Care Providers Association along with the Denominational Health Association held a town hall to discuss the anticipated staff shortages which are likely to result from the previously announced public health order (PHO). The town hall session was open to both members and non-members of the association and saw over 100 registrants attend.

Click here for our survey

According to a revised public health order announced on August 12th, all staff, volunteers and personal service providers entering long-term care and assisted living settings to be fully vaccinated by October 12th. Currently, visitors are exempted from the mandate to be fully vaccinated. As part of the session, BCCPA a survey on the potential impacts of the order.

Results indicated that 81% of operators report that they expect to lose staff, and 41% expect this to significantly impact their ability to deliver care/services. This follows previous work conducted by BCCPA which forecasted a 10% loss of staff across the sector because of the mandatory vaccinations.

81% of operators report that they expect to lose staff, and 41% expect this to significantly impact their ability to deliver care/services

Participants discussed actions which could be taken to mitigate the impact of the anticipated shortage on residents. Suggestions included revising the previously implemented single site order (SSO) to allow fully vaccinated staff to work at more than one site, fast-tracking credential recognition and hiring of internationally educated nurses (IENs), seeking support to free up nursing time, calling for the support the Red Cross, enlisting the support of family members for activities of daily living, temporarily freezing new LTC admissions or closing long-term care beds, and (as a last resort) implementing a “bed days” policy which would affect the quality of life of residents.

BCCPA meets with representatives of the Ministry of Health and the Public Health Office on a weekly basis and will bring our members’ questions, comments and solutions forward for consideration and/or further clarification.


The Association is asking our members to complete the survey found here. While some will have already completed an earlier version of the survey, new data will help BCCPA gauge any changes operators are anticipating following the addition of the mandatory vaccination policy to acute care.

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