Engage with HSO’s National Long-Term Care Services standard by completing their consultation workbook

The Health Standards Organization (HSO) is working to establish a National Long-Term Care Services Standard and is encouraging all stakeholders to  contribute their insight.

The HSO is pleased to have received more than 16,000 responses to our Developing National LTC Services Standards: Your Opinion Matters! survey, which was open from March 31st to July 31st, 2021. The survey insights are helping the LTC Services Technical Committee understand the themes that are important to Canadians when it comes to defining the type of care and services Canadians want to see provided in their long-term care homes. The survey findings will be released in a What We Heard report in fall 2021.

Now, the HSO is inviting groups and individuals from across the country to share further feedback by completing a Consultation Workbook or hosting a Roundtable with a Group.

BC Care Providers Association encourages our members, their staff and the family and residents they work with to provide input by completing the Consultation Workbooks. Workbooks are available in two formats, one intended for groups and the other intended for individuals. Suggestions for utilizing the workbooks include:

  • completing workbooks as a management team
  • conducting a roundtable with staff
  • recommending residents or family councils complete the workbooks
  • making workbooks available to individuals and residents as appropriate

BCCPA has held a group consultation and will be submitting the responses received through the by invitation event.


More information can be found here.

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