#BCCPA2021 Annual Conference: announcing Stephanie Staples as closing keynote speaker

The #BCCPA2021 annual conference will conclude on a high note with a riveting presentation by Psychosocial Wellness Expert Stephanie Staples from Your Life Unlimited, our closing keynote speaker for the The Three Rs: Reflection, Resilience and Reinvention.

As a multi-titled author with a broad range of qualifications that combine knowledge and theories from her background in healthcare, journalism, fitness and communications , Stephanie has unique perspectives and resources that she will share to positively impact your work and home life.

Stephanie is bringing the ‘fourth R’ to the conference with her session entitled Revitalize Your Work & Life.

  • Are you trying to be all things to all people?
  • Are you who you want to be during this unprecedented time?
  • Are competing priorities and the lack of time, energy and motivation stopping you from being the best version of yourself?

If you’ve been overwhelmed during the challenging times of the pandemic and it’s taking a toll on your wellness, it’s time to resort to your psychosocial wellness tool kit! Be prepared to learn about simple, purposeful, and deliberate actions that you can easily implement to help you revitalize yourself  to present the best version of yourself professionally and personally.

Message from Stephanie

Get ready to be educated on how the Kaizen principle can help you improve your quality of life – even during tough times! We won’t tell you that you might even have a little bit of fun!


Full Conference Rate: $350
Single Day Rate: $125

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