Assurity has arrived! Applications open for B.C.’s new quality assurance program for independent living & home health

EngAge BC members are invited to learn more about how to apply

EngAge BC is pleased to debut the new “gold standard” for independent living and home health quality assurance! Assurity is an efficient and affordable quality assurance tool that is getting raves from early adopters. Beginning today, B.C.’s independent living and home health operators now have their first chance to get the Assurity advantage.

The Assurity web portal is now open exclusively for EngAge BC’s independent living and home health members. As a special offer, we have established a time-limited Founders’ Club rate for new Assurity applicants.

To take advantage of the benefits of Assurity, operators will be given access to a secure login page where they can find answers to commonly asked questions, pricing information, and access a copy of the Assurity application manual, plus review other exclusive resources.

Assurity was built from the ground up for today’s IL and home health business operator looking to stand out among their competition and impress their customers,” says Terry Lake, CEO, BCCPA & EngAge BC. “We are excited to be able to finally unveil Assurity and give EngAge BC members the Assurity advantage.”

Want to learn more?

EngAge BC is hosting introductory webinars to orient operators to Assurity.


  • For Independent Living operators: click here to register.
  • For Home Health providers: click here to register.

For exclusive access to the Assurity portal and to join our “Founders’ Club” email Marjahn O’Connor, Programs Supervisor at

The team at EngAge BC would like to express our profound appreciation for all who supported the design and development of Assurity! Thank you to:

  • BCCPA’s Board of Directors
  • The EngAge BC Member Council
  • The Independent Living Assurity Advisory Group
  • EngAge BC’s Home Health Committee
  • The Home Health Round Table
  • Our independent living and home health consumer focus groups
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