BCCPA specialist brings energy management solutions to Kootenay care homes

BCCPA’s Energy Savings Program was developed in partnership with FortisBC.

As part of BC Care Providers Association’s commitment to helping its members improve their bottom line through monitoring and managing building energy performance, BCCPA Energy Specialist Jesse Gadzinowski completed his first series of site visits to 11 Golden Life Management care homes in the West and East Kootenays.

Gadzinowski began his tour in Grand Forks and made his way through the Kootenays – Nelson, Creston, Cranbrook and Fernie. The aim of these visits was to identify opportunities to save natural gas and electricity. Each visit took approximately 1.5 hours and comprised of an interview with on-site staff regarding the operation of the building as well as a walk-through of all the relevant electrical and mechanical systems.

BCCPA will be delivering a walk-through assessment report that will give Golden Life Management more insight into the operation of their care homes as well as actionable measures to save energy and reduce carbon emissions.

“We thank the Golden Life Management staff for being so welcoming and helpful during these visits, and appreciate the extra effort required on their part,” says Gadzinowski. “BC Care Providers Association looks forward to helping Golden Life realize meaningful energy reductions within the next 12 to 24 months.”

For more information on BCCPA’s Energy Savings Program partnership with FortisBC visit bccare.ca/energy-savings-program.


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