Advertise your products and services on Route 65

Since its launch in the summer of 2019, has received over 51,000 page views and connected older adults across the province with EngAge BC and BCCPA members providing housing and wellness services.

Starting February 1st, we are offering advertising opportunities to our commercial members.

For $300, members can purchase a marketing promotion package, which includes an advertorial on Route 65 and a boosted social media post. For $750, we are offering a BCCPA and Route 65 integrated marketing promotion, which⁠—in addition to an advertorial⁠—includes a 30-day web ad on and an e-blast to a limited mailing list.

For questions about online promotions, please contact

Purchase a featured listing on Route 65


Did you know featured listings on Route 65 get click rates approximately five times higher than regular listings?

To give your listing an extra boost, purchase a featured listing on Route 65 for only $299/month. Your listing will show up at the top of search results and be displayed prominently on the homepage and several other pages of the website.

To upgrade your listing, please contact

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our sector update

  • Advertising & Sponsorships

    Over 200,000 page views annually and 20,000+ employees working in the continuing care sector. Contact us for advertising today.