Media release: Government urged to fund home support alternate arrangements during transit strike


Burnaby, BC (November 26, 2019) – With a total shutdown of Metro Vancouver’s bus service looming within hours, the organization representing B.C.’s home support sector is asking the provincial government to consider temporary funding for seniors facing disruptions to vital home-based services.

The impact of a shutdown of bus and Seabus services was flagged in an earlier statement by BC Care Providers Association (BCCPA) CEO Daniel Fontaine. A BCCPA survey of home support providers conducted earlier this month showed that approximately 40 per cent of home support staff rely upon public transit to arrive at home support appointments.

“For many seniors who receive publicly-funded home support in Metro Vancouver, there is no contingency plan except to pay out-of-pocket to hire home support from one of dozens of private home care agencies in the region,” says Fontaine. “Whether it is an urgently needed home support appointment, or to make a trip to attend an adult day program, thousands of seniors could be stuck with footing the cost for support or a taxi trip themselves.

“B.C. seniors that rely upon publicly-funded supports should be able to seek alternative solutions during the transit disruption. Which is why we are recommending that the provincial government should consider funding out-of-pocket home support or transportation costs that occur as a result of the transit strike.”


Seniors receiving home care depend upon workers for a wide range of services, including personal care, mobility assistance, housekeeping, meal preparation and medication management. Interruptions in service may result in a senior being unable to get out of bed or take their medications on time.

Delays and disruptions in care can be extremely stressful for seniors and their family members, who sometimes are required to take time off work to support elderly loved ones.

BCCPA continues to urge both parties to arrive at a negotiated solution to immediately end the job action that will disrupt transit service, and will impact seniors.


Mike Klassen
(604) 377-5499

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Established in 1977, BC Care Providers Association (BCCPA) is the leading voice for B.C.’s continuing care sector. Our growing membership base includes over 340 long-term care, assisted living, home care, home support, and commercial members from across British Columbia.

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