BC Care Providers Association celebrates Canadian Patient Safety Week

Conquer Silence — Donate your voice

BC Care Providers Association is proud to take part in Canadian Patient Safety Week 2019, taking place from October 28th to November 1st.

Along with the Canadian Patient Safety Institute (CPSI), we’re spreading the mission to #ConquerSilence.

BC Care Providers Association is helping CPSI with its mission of providing extraordinary improvements in patient safety.

This year’s Canadian Patient Safety Week theme is #ConquerSilence, prompting patients and healthcare professionals to battle systemic silence in our collective efforts to reduce patient harm. This enemy exists between patients and providers, between colleagues in healthcare facilities, between https://bccare.ca/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/medcare-img22.jpgistrators in different regions, and between the public and policymakers.


To keep you engaged in this year’s Canadian Patient Safety Week, CPSI is offering interactive and exciting activities for everyone. These include sharing your story about preventable healthcare harm on the new conquersilence.ca website, launching October 21, along with a #ConquerSilence webinar.  There will be a webinar on mandatory reporting, and a new episode of the award-winning PATIENT podcast. Follow and use #ConquerSilence to stay-up-date for the entire campaign.

Together, we can make this year’s event a success!

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