EngAge BC: It’s here

At BC Care Providers Association’s 42nd Annual Conference last month, before a crowd of 500 delegates and exhibitors, Daniel Fontaine announced the establishment of EngAge BC, a new operating arm of the Association with its own brand and mandate.

Today, we are pleased to announce the launch of EngAge BC.

“The seniors living and wellness sector in British Columbia is booming, and a bright future lies ahead of us,” says Daniel Fontaine. “Now more than ever, we need to band together to meet the growing demand for seniors-oriented services. EngAge BC furthers our mission for a unified voice to represent the sector.”

EngAge BC has a mandate to support the distinct needs of privately-owned independent living, assisted living, long-term and home care operators. It is responsible for developing and operating a suite of unique programs and marketing initiatives that support member sites across the province, which include:

Route 65: An online destination to help match those seeking seniors living and wellness options with B.C.’s leading providers of those services, slated to launch in July 2019.


Seniors Living Expo: The largest showcase of consumer living and wellness products in Canada targeting the country’s older adults at the Vancouver Convention Centre in 2020.

Assurity: A certification for quality assurance and hospitality in seniors living, launching in 2020.

If you own, operate or manage an independent living, assisted living community, private pay long-term care or home support organization and wish to apply for an EngAge BC membership, please contact membership@engageseniors.ca or fill and submit our online application form.

EngAge BC Info Session

Join us for a 90-minute information session to learn more about Route 65, Seniors Living Expo and Assurity on Thursday, June 20th from 1 – 2.30 p.m. at the SafeCare BC Training Centre in Burnaby.

A remote dial-in option is available for those who cannot attend the meeting in-person.

A pre-workshop lunch will be provided at 12.15 p.m. Participants are eligible to win exciting prizes!

The workshop is ideal for organizations who want learn more about listing their sites on Route 65; potential exhibitors for the Seniors Living Expo; and service providers interested in the Assurity program.

Click here to register. 

For questions, please contact route65@engageseniors.ca.

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