Jody Vance announced as moderator of #CareToChat on Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD)

The passing of federal legislation in June 2016 to legalize Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) has had a profound impact on seniors care.

While governments and stakeholders across Canada have been working together to support the integration and implementation of MAiD within the Canadian health care system,  the issue remains highly controversial, with some advocating for stricter limits, and others arguing that it needs to be expanded and more readily available, including within faith-based institutions.

To discuss challenges that have occurred since MAiD was legalized, as well as concerns that have been raised such as the current federal legislation being too vague, restrictive or broad in scope, BC Care Providers Association will be hosting a Care to Chat panel discussion titled MAiD in B.C.

BCCPA is pleased to announce Jody Vance as the moderator of this important discussion.

Jody Vance is a Canadian broadcaster with roots in sports, news and current affairs. Currently an on-air host on CKNW, columnist and podcast-host at  Jody has a parent in care, and has written very candidly about her experience navigating the current B.C. care system.


With great compassion for caregivers, Jody is a force in helping families through the very difficult times associated with family members in the winter of their lives. She is a mother of one young son, Brady (11), and two dogs, Fenway (15) and Scout (3).

Care to Chat will take place on Friday, April 5th from 11.30 a.m. – 2 p.m. at the Terminal City Club in Vancouver, following the SafeCare BC AGM.

Click here to register by March 29th. Use the promo code “member rate” to receive a discounted rate of $85. A three-course lunch is included. 

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