Hearts & Hands Conference a must-attend event for HCAs

The Hearts & Hands Conference is a day of celebration and education for health care assistants, resident care assistants, community health workers and home care workers. For the past two years, it has been a “must-attend” event, with tickets selling out fast.

The third-annual Hearts & Hands Conference will take place on October 3rd in Victoria and October 17th in Penticton.

Sara Wegwitz, a registered nurse with a specialization in mental fitness, resiliency training and performance coaching, will deliver the opening keynote. Participants can attend breakout sessions, visit exhibitor booths and even win door prizes. Breakfast and lunch will be provided.

Comments from previous conference attendees:

“As a first time conferencer, this exceeded my expectations and was a very fun event filled with great learning, laughs and fun education.”


“Suggest that all health care assistants around B.C. attend this type of conference.”

Click here to register for the Victoria event.

Click here to register for the Penticton event.

Early bird rates are available until August 31.

Visit hcaconference.ca for more information.

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